Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

Waking up in the toned arms of a billionaire wrapped up in silk sheets was definitely the best way to wake up. “Good morning sunshine,” I yawned as Daniel stirred.

            His sleepy, confused face was adorable. With his green eyes half closed and hair askew he asked me, “How’d you sleep?”

            “Well,” I half smiled. “And yourself?”

            “I sleep a lot better with you than I do alone.” He tussled my messy brown hair, “You fell asleep on me last night. Party pooper.”

            “I’m still young, I need my beauty sleep!” I protested.

            Daniel rolled his eyes, “Please. You’re already too beautiful!” I admitted it, I did one of those weird giggle snort things girls tend to do when they get compliments. I also admitted I was completely humiliated because of it. “Hey, is that your phone vibrating or is it mine?”

            I reached into my purse—which had been conveniently relocated to the bedroom on the floor on my side of the bed—and pulled out my cell. Ten—I repeat, ten—missed calls from Kelsey. “Shit…” I said to nobody in particular. There was also a very angry text message: Hailey, where the hell are you? I thought we were spending New Year’s together. When did you turn into such a bitch? Okay, I screwed up. I screwed up bad. I was ignoring Kelsey…I had been for quite some time. What kind of friend was I?

            “Everything alright?” Daniel asked, sitting up in bed and hugging his bare chest to my back.

            Fighting back tears of guilt, I sniffled, “Yeah, fine. I’m sorry…but I have to go. We’ll talk about it tonight. Meet me tonight at—” I rambled off the name of the first bar I could think of. I slipped on my shoes and walked straight out the door without saying goodbye, something I would feel bad about later. I heard him shouting my name out his door; I never looked back. I had some explaining to do later this evening. But right now, I needed to go see the girl I had been ignoring.

            I dialed her number over and over as I attempted to hail a taxi in the awful holiday traffic. This proved to be a difficult task—both the taxi and phoning Kelsey. She was there and was hanging up on me. The only reason I knew this was because the phone would ring once, and then skip to voicemail. I sent her a text: I don’t want to fight. How am I supposed to fix this if you won’t answer my phone calls?

            Seconds later my phone buzzed to reveal a hate-filled response, oozing with distaste. Stop talking to me, future-Mrs.-King. Stop letting your title get to your head.

            Fine. She didn’t want to talk? Well, neither did I. Whatever—she’d call me when she felt bad about the things she had said. “Hey, lady? You okay?” The cab driver asked me in his thick Boston accent. It took me a minute to realize I had been muttering to myself.

            “Yeah.” I said. “Just take me home.”


I was dressed in my only little black dress—strapless and tight. I paired a leather jacket with it to try and tone down the provocative vibes. I was about to walk out the door when my phone buzzed. “Hey! I’m just about to leave to meet you.”

            “Can’t,” Daniel said. “I’m busy tonight. We’ll do something tomorrow, alright? Promise.”

            “What? But…what are you busy with?”

            “I have to go. Bye.”

            This was a very strange call.  If he was busy—presumably with work—why was there loud music blaring in the background? I heard a distinctly feminine voice too…I shouldn’t read too much into it. I put it out of my mind.

            Lily was out of the house for the evening; she was visiting her parents in Albany and was staying over. It was only me for the evening, and now not even Daniel wanted to hang around me. Man, I was like people-repellant tonight! In a cloud of despair, I took a frozen TV-dinner out of the freezer. Processed chicken nuggets and pudding; raise the roof. I then realized I didn’t need a man to go out with. I could go to that bar all by myself and have fun. I was a strong independent woman…when I wanted to be.

            With a sudden burst of confidence I strode into that bar, heels clacking on the cement floor. The place was going for that old-time, piece-of-crap kind of feel with the floors and exposed brick. Honestly, it looked like they just hadn’t cleaned in forever. Not condemned enough to make me want to party. I sat down at the bar and ordered a dry martini—they didn’t check for ID. I guess confidence is really all you need, I thought to myself as I took tiny sips to make it last longer. Then a high pitched, annoying female laugh interrupted all thoughts. I turned to glare at her and saw Daniel sitting with her, laughing.

            The first phrase that went through my mind was, “Oh, no he didn’t!” in a ghetto voice, with some snapping of my fingers involved. I slid off of my stool drink in hand and marched over to where they were sitting having a wonderful evening. I would not feel guilty in the slightest about ruining it. “I thought you said you were busy.” I said questioningly as I stood over him.

            Daniel jumped out of his chair to his feet. “Hailey! Oh! Um…I,” I smiled slightly, wondering how he was going to try and smooth talk his way out of this one. “This is Angel.” Angel…what a stripper name.

            “Hmm, and what are you doing here with Angel when you were supposed to be with me?” I asked, cocking my head to one side.

            Daniel shrugged, “Just…hanging out.”

            “I’m not stupid, Daniel. You aren’t just ‘hanging out’ with this blonde bitch that has her boobs hanging out of her dress. She could get on a pole dressed like that. Who’s this one? High school dropout who’s a ‘dancer’ at the strip club downtown? God, at least choose someone better to mess with. You’re cheating on me. If you don’t want to be with me, just tell me, okay?”

            “You’re embarrassing yourself. Just go.”  He said it as a dismissal. He sat back down in his chair, pretending like I wasn’t still standing there. “Sorry about that, dear. Where were we?”  

            Filled with newfound rage, I marched over to a neighboring table. “Can I borrow this for a second? Thanks.” I took their three-fourths full glass of red wine and dumped it right over Daniel’s head. Then I strutted out with my head held high.

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