Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Aunt Lily led me to the living room. In the midst of my crying fit, I realized the house was still dead quiet (minus the sounds of my sobs). Had my aunt really never had children or gotten married in the five years I hadn’t seen her? Huh. I guess I hadn’t missed anything then.

We sat on the couch and I cried…and cried…and cried. When my parents kicked me out, I didn’t cry. When I lost my job, I didn’t cry. So many times in the last two years had I pushed all my feelings and hurt down deep. I should have let it all out once or twice. But now in the arms of my family, I felt okay about it. “They just left me there, all alone. They knew I might die, but they didn’t stop me. They let me go!” I wailed.

Lily smoothed my hair. “It’s alright, dear. Why didn’t you come see me? You knew I’d help you out. You’re my favorite niece.”  

“It isn’t as special as being someone’s favorite daughter.” I frowned. “Do they ever mention me?” The tears flowing from my eyes were more like a stream now than a waterfall. Slowly, I was calming down.

Lily shifted uncomfortably in her seat. “I’m not going to lie to you, Hailey. You’ve been though a lot and I think you can handle this truth. Your father doesn’t think about you much at all. He’s disowned you; I don’t know if it’s just a tough guy façade. Your mother is a whole different story.” Lily half smiled. She delivered good news that wasn’t really good news. It wasn’t like anything is going to change. “Elena and I patched up our relationship after you left. She wishes she never let you walk out of that door. She misses you so unbelievably much.”

I growled. “Why isn’t she looking then? If she wants me home, she needs to find me!”

Another uncomfortable shift on her part. “I don’t know if she wants you to come home. Your mother wants to know if you are okay and alive. I know she loves you, though.”

I sighed. Figured. “Don’t tell her I’m here. I don’t want to talk to her.”

“I won’t.” She dried the last of my tears. “Would you mind it if I asked you who that handsome boy was who just dropped you off?”

I smiled. Lily never lost her girlish love of boys. She was the type of person who could talk for hours about boys: their ups, their downs, everything. “You probably know him. His name is Daniel King.” I braced myself for her reaction…

…It was explosive! “You were on a date with DANIEL KING? Oh my gosh! Are you seeing him again?” Lily was doing the stupid happy dance girls tend to do—the one where you get up, jump around, and flail your arms around like an idiot. I have never partaken in this activity. I’d like to keep my dignity, thank you very much.

“Yes,” I admitted. “I was actually hoping you could help me out with something, though.”

“Anything, hon.”

I said, “Alright. Well, I don’t need to live here. I’d love to, but I don’t have to. I have friends down at my shelter that I do not want to abandon. Anyway, I was curious if it would be okay that I borrow your house on date nights, for when he drops me off. A homeless shelter might turn him off.”

Lily grinned. “Sure, deal. I want you to stay.”

“Okay. But just for now.” I thought of Kelsey’s anger when she realized I wasn’t coming home that night. She’d be royally pissed that I didn’t come home to give her all the details.

Lily shrugged. “Whatever. Come on, I’ll show you your room.”

“My room…?”

My room was an island paradise. There was a canopy bed with a sheer white curtain around it. The balcony doors opened for a view of the garden Lily tended and built from scratch. A beautiful little stream ran through the entire thing. A gentle wind blew in, making the white curtains blow back. The full moon was high in the black sky. The closet—oh my God, the closet—was full of clothes and shoes. She had been prepared for me for months. Everything was gorgeous. I even had my own bathroom! Complete with a luxurious Jacuzzi tub and rain shower. “This is…wow.” I was breathless.

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