Chapter 26

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 I was thinking about doing a full blown sex scene in this chapter. But, knowing me, it would probably be awkward to write and maybe even awkward-er to read. Any thoughts on that?

Chapter 26

When Steph said this place wasn’t as extravagant as we were probably used to, she wasn’t kidding. The park ranger only flew us in his tiny plane as far as the edge of the forest. He said he had other work to do. He gave us this parting gift of information: “Just follow the trail through the woods. Cabin number four. Oh, and watch out for bears.” Thanks, Mr. Park Ranger. If I get mauled by a bear due to your negligence, I will be suing.

            So we trudged along on the wet gravel path through the snow, dragging our large suitcases. When did I turn into such a high maintenance girl? I used to be able to pack a few outfits in a backpack and go! Now I was the type of girl who brought a suitcase big enough to fit a small child in.

            After ten minutes of chilled walking, the thick pine trees cleared up to show a medium sized cabin up on the hill. It had a gold number four painted on it. A short flight of stairs was all that lay between me and relative warmth. “People actually pay to do this?” Daniel shivered in the bitter cold. He wore his fluffiest coat, and possibly two pairs of jeans. “You know how to start a fire, right?” He asked worriedly.

            “I’m pretty sure I can figure out how to light a match. I’m guessing you never have.” I was practically panting; carrying a suitcase that easily weighed fifty pounds up a flight of stairs was quite strenuous!

            “Oh, pssh. I’ve never been in a situation where I need to know how. I’ve never ventured outside of city lights.” He grumbled as he fumbled with the key. The door finally swung open.

            The first thing that hit you was the scent of maple syrup and that charred smell of fire; not such a bad combination. We walked in further to see the dining room, which consisted of a small, round, glass table surrounded by four chairs. The kitchen was tucked away in the corner of the cabin. Thank God, there was even a stove and an oven! Daniel peeked inside the fridge. “I believe Miss Stephanie stocked it for us.” Inside was basic food necessities and an entire shelf full of alcoholic beverages. She knew us well.

            The living room was so…cozy. The massive brick fireplace was the focal point of the rom. A small, but comfy looking love seat rested directly in front of it. There was no television or computer to be seen. Hell, were there even outlets? The only mildly electronic item was a vintage record player which I was unsure about even working.

            I rolled my suitcase into the bedroom. “I’ll just be unpacking if you need me.”

            My first impression of the bedroom was that it was much different from the rest of the cabin. It was full of floral prints and pastels. It reminded me of a garden party. I honestly could not imaging getting down and dirty with Daniel in here. All my sex fantasies for this trip were slaughtered by decorative teapots and white wicker headboards.

            With a sign I started folding my clothing and placing it gently inside the small white dresser with flowers painted on it. To my surprise there was a note in the top drawer. It read: “As much as I would love to brag about your offspring being conceived in my bed, I think you should wait awhile. Here’s for your personal use, if you need them. Love, Steph”.  That was sufficiently creepy. It lay on top of a rather massive box of condoms. Oh my God; I may have been an adult, but this was almost as awkward as having “the talk” with my parents when I was younger.

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