Chapter 4

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I can't believe it me and Harry are best friends I mean he could never replace my real best friends that I've had for years but he is one of my best friends with his wonderful geen eyes and amazing dimples and oh shoot I need to talk to my friends 

to: Curly, Kevin, Ziall, Sissy - Emergency my place ASAP


KEVIN: Are you ok?

ZIALL: Whats going on?

SISSY: What does ASAP stand for?


     ****************************20 Minutes later******************************************

"So what was the emergency" Tanna asked "Yeah what's wrong are you OK" "Guys nothing is wrong I'm fine." "Then why did you say 'Emergency my place ASAP' ?" "Oh yeah that well you see um well funny story-" "Mel get to the point" "OK well I think I might be falling in love with Harry" "Really that's your emergency we've known that since you became a fan" "Yeah but it's different know Harry is my friend and he actually knows me I mean what if I tell him just how much I like him it could ruin our friendship" Rachel sighed "She does have a point any girl in the world could have Harry Styles if she tells him it could ruin their friendship and come on even I would rather be friends with him than not know him at all." Ziall objected "BUT if she really does love him then she'll tell him rather than pretty much killing herself over it" Tanna had an idea "OK you know what vote time." Vote time is what we do when we can't decide on something because there is 5 of us it's usually pretty easy but in times like this if it's 2 on one side and 2 one the other we usually have to flip a coin or something. "Those who think Melanie should tell Harry stand on the right side of the room, those who think she shouldn't stand on the left." Ziall Kevin and Tanna went to the right and Rachel went to the left. Alright guess I'm telling him." "Hey Mel?" Rachel asked "Yeah?" I was hoping she would give me at least advice or something instead I got "I still don't know what ASAP stands for." "Oh it stands for As Soon As Possible" Rachel wasn't stupid or anything it's just that I happened to be the only person she knew that used that term. "OK well good luck with Harry." "Thanks I'm gonna need it." I heard a buzz it was Ziall's phone "Hey Mel we have to go um my mom said that her Suzie and me were going to go to the movies tonight." Ziall said " I heard a beep it came from Tanna's "Yeah and me and Rachel are going to go out to try and get to know each other better. So bye." OK well that weird.


Rachel's P.O.V

"What boy's what was so important that you had to pull us away from Mel's house during a very important meeting" "Why were you at miss Melanie's house?" "She was talking to us about something." "What?" "That is none of your business Tomlinson." "Right well we called you four here to tell you that Harry said he has a crush on that little friend of yours." "Which on?" "Which friend out of the five of you is missing?" "Wait  Harry has a crush on Melanie?" "No I just said that to get your attention." He was being sarcastic I can here it in his voice. "Well this is good because she's supposed to be calling him to tell him she likes him." Suzie said. "Yeah but I know Melanie she wouldn't have the courage to of course she'd tell us she's going to call him but I don't think she will." "OK so what if we set them up." Coming from Louis this doesn't surprise me "How?" "Well we could tell them like Niall and Rachel or Suzie and I are going on a date and we would want them to come with us then at the last minute we suddenly "have something we have to do" and can't make it." "I like it but first I think they should say they like each other." "Quiet someone is coming." "Um hi girls what are you doing here." Maybe she did call him "Hi Harry what are you doing here I thought you were out with Amber" "The girl is mental but once I looked past that she's not so bad." I was so sad to see Harry like this he wasn't happy and I could see it in his eyes "Harry have you talked to Melanie today?" "Not yet why?" "Oh I was just wondering if she had." "Nope is she here?" "No sorry she's at home." "OK if you guys don't mind I want to call her alright?" "OK."


Mel's P.O.V.

OK it's just one call OK just tell him I like him ok I picked up my phone again for the 50th time in the past hour, I looked at my contacts again for the 25th time I clicked on Harry's number again for the 5th time and just as all the times before I didn't press call. Grrrrr why is this so hard I mean I talk to Harry everyday! Ok one more time Ok contacts, Harry and..... grrr why can't I do this. I dropped my phone to the side of the bed. I grabbed my pillow and screamed in it. GOD IT SHOULDN'T BE THIS HARD TO TELL HIM!!! After a few minutes my phone started ringing I looked at the number. it was Harry. I hoped it wasn't that girl again. one call from her was too much. "Hello?" "Hey Mel." Thank god it was Harry "Hey I've been trying to call you all day." "Really I didn't see any missed calls?" "Yeah well I haven't really pressed the call button that's what I mean by I've been trying." "OK well I wanted to let you know that I went out with Amber." Oh "So are you like a couple now?" "Well actually depends." "On?" "You." _______________________________________________________________________________

There will be more just be patent thanks and i hope your enjoying :-)


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