Chapter 11

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"Hey Melanie." James said the next day at school. I just rolled my eyes. I think my friends stopped coming to school because again they aren't here. So my plan to figure out who has Harry's phone is simple. Maybe. So when the teacher isn't looking I'll text it and if someone responds then that's who has his phone. The bell rang.

*20 mins later*

To: Harry<3

Hey babe.

I looked around and not a single phone went off or anything.


From: Harry<3

What part of leave me alone don't you understand and don't call me "babe" Amber is my girl friend

To: Harry<3

But what about yesterday and the day before


From: Harry<3

Stop lying to me I know that didn't happen I was with Amber all day the past two days

I just rolled my eyes and put my phone away. "Melanie?" The teacher called my name. I sat looking bored. "X=53 1/2." She looked surprised. "Uh yes it does." I didn't pay attention the rest of class.

**before reading**

Amber came up to me. "Hi Mel." I rolled my eyes and walked past her. "Harry texted me and said you called yourself his girlfriend." I stopped. "Actually he came to my house a few days ago saying he couldn't find it." She glared at me. "Then why did you-" She stopped. "Why did I what?" She just shook her head. "Nothing!" The bell rang.

** in class **

I gave Harry an old phone of mine so I could text him during the day and I used a fake contact name so nobody knew it was him.

To: Rachel Marie

I think I know who took your phone

From: Rachel Marie


To: Rachel Marie

Remember Amber????

From: Rachel Marie

That makes sense

To: Rachel Marie


From: Rachel Marie

I'll explain later

"Melanie please put your phone away." My teacher said. I put it away. I love my reading teacher because if she sees us using our phones she won't take them up.

**later at home**

"Explain." I said to Harry the second I opened the door. "Please don't get mad." He said with pleading eyes. "Why would I?" I ask him. "She came to see me a few days ago." Okkk "Why would that make me mad?" He was looking down to avoid looking at me. "And we almost......" He trailed off at the end. I knew it. He was just using me. Of course he is. "Get out." Is all I can manage to say.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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