Chapter 6

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I was at home and I was bored so I decided to text someone.

To: Curly

I'm bored can you come over?

From: Curly

Sure I'll be there in about 5

I honestly don't know why I decided to text her but while waiting I changed some of the names in my contacts

Sissy - Rach
Ziall - Margie
Kevin - S. Tomlinson
Curly - Tanna
Nialler H. - NJH
Lou - Tommo
Zayn - Zen
Liam - DD
Harry - Harry <3

I honestly don't know how I came up with those but like I said I'm bored. My door opened. "Hey Mel." "Sup Tanna?" "So where are the other girls?" Oh yeah I never mentioned. Me and Tanna aren't the best of friends like we get along but we just don't hang out without the other girls. "Oh I never invited them just you." "Ok well let me say this because I've been dying to say this since I met you. Lay off Harry is mine! I don't care that you are a Harry girl I have liked him longer and you know that. So lay off if you don't I will ruin you!" I wasn't expecting this from her. I mean honestly her. What? "I'm sorry um Tanna are you OK?" "No! I love Harry and I will not let YOU a weirdo that doesn't even wear make-up!"

I couldn't believe her out of all people was acting like this towards me I mean I thought we were friends....ish. "Look you can have him ok he's all yours but I don't understand why you're taking your anger out on me because I have done nothing wrong and honestly I think you would be doing both of us a favour if you left." "Fine but sweetheart if you ever go near him again I'll make you wish you were never born." After that she walked out and left. I grabbed my phone

To: Harreh <3

Hey you in town??

From: Harreh <3

Yea everything alright??

To: Harreh <3

Do u mind meeting w/me @ Nandos u can bring the guys idc

From: Harreh <3

I'll come alone is everything alright??

To: Harreh <3

I'll explain when u get there

Harry's p.o.v.
"Hey you alright?" I asked as Melanie walked in. She looked like she had been crying and it really broke my heart. "Mel what happened?" I got up from the table I was sitting at and went to give her a hug. "I'm fine um is Jack here?" I've seen Jack only a few times. I remember he was here the first time I met Mel. I can't believe I hated her and now I'm in love with her. Wait I didn't say that. "Yeah you want me to go get him?" She shook her head. "Um can we go somewhere else. I don't want him to see me like this." "Ok." I held her hand and we walked out. We walked about two blocks in silence then I spoke up. "So what happened? Why did you need to see me?" She said one word. "Tanna." Tanna is one of her best friends what could she have possibly done. She pulled her had out of mine and put it in her pockets. That was understandable I mean it's about 20 degrees in the middle of January but I was disappointed that she did. "Melanie I need you to tell me right now. What did she do?" She looked like she was about to start crying again. Then she did. I pulled her so she was crying into my chest. I wanted to hurt Tanna so badly for making my Melanie cry. "Baby please tell me what she did." I was practically begging but I don't care Mel was hurt and I needed to know what happened. She said something. I couldn't hear her. "What? I can't hear you." She looked up at me. Her usually perfect chocolate coloured eyes were dark and sad. "She threatened me..." She said it in a very small voice. I picked her up and threw her onto my back and started hurrying towards my car. I'll admit I was pissed off but you know what I don't care. When we got to the car I put her into her seat then I got into the drivers side and started the car. "Where are we going." I could barely hear her and I hated it I wanted to hear her perfect voice see the perfect smile on her face hear her perfect laugh when I made a stupid joke. "I don't know." I really didn't I just wanted to get away from all those people before I punched one of them. "Oh." I stopped the car at a gas station. "Are you almost out of gas or something?" "No." She was looking out the window. "Oh." I sighed. "Mel come here." She opened the door and got out of the car. I figured she was going around to come to this side but she didn't she laid down in the middle of the lot. I got out of the car immediately and ran over to her. She was crying unbelievably hard. I picked her up and went back to the car and sat her on my lap when we were in the passengers seat. "Shhhh baby don't cry tell me what's wrong." "Tanna! That's what's wrong Harry she threatened me! She! Threatened! Me! Has that not reached your tiny brain yet?!" She was bawling. "What did she say? How did she threaten you?" She pulled some napkins out of the console I took them out of her hand and used one to wipe to tears off her perfect face. "She said if I ever got near you ever again she would make me wish I was never born." She started crying again harder this time if that was possible. I wrapped my arms around her waste. "Mel." I said quietly but I knew she heard me. "Don't listen to her I'm in love with you." Her eyes were bloodshot from crying so much. "You do?" She actually seemed surprised by this I mean I did ask her out. "Yes of course. You should know that. I love you Melanie." I leaned in to kiss her and my phone rang. She sighed and crawled off my lap into the back seat. "What?" I snapped into the phone. "Hey baby." I sighed. "I'm done with you and I never want to see you again you hurt Melanie and I can never forgive you for that." "Come on baby," Tanna said "lighten up I was joking around." "No I'm done with you we aren't even dating so I don't understand why you have to be like this." I said then hung up. I looked in the backseat. She was back to crying. "Baby please stop I hate seeing you cry." I climbed into the backseat with Melanie. "Baby what's wrong?" I rubbed her back a little and she stopped crying. "Why does she hate me?" She whispered. "Babe why does it matter? I mean you have me and-" "And what Harry you can't say I have my friends because I thought me and Tanna were but we obviously aren't." I leaned into kiss her again and this time I succeeded. I pulled her onto my lap and she wrapped her arms around my neck as we kissed. "Harry." She pulled back. Oh god she hates me now. "Please take me back to my house." She sighed and climbed into her original spot in the passenger seat. I got back in the drivers seat. "Harry..." "Yes?" She sounded nervous as I was pulling out. "I don't want to go home." "Ok where do you want to go?" I asked. We got to a red light and I looked at her. She looked better than the did 20 minutes ago but still not happy. "Anywhere but there." "Alright then you're stuck with me the rest of the day because I will make you smile and laugh until the minute you fall asleep." I wasn't sure on how I planned to do that but I had some ideas. "And how exactly do you plan to do that Styles?" She laughed a little like she always does when she calls me Styles. "Well I was thinking that we could go to the mall for a bit then maybe we can catch a movie and go out to eat then I could take you back to the house and do whatever for a bit." "Ha you wish." She was smiling it made me happy. I laced my fingers through hers and I swear she looked happier than I've ever seen. "Green light." She said. I still don't understand why she does that. Then her phone rang. Sometimes I really hate phones. "Hello?" ..... "Nothing." ....... "I didn't she did!" ...... "Well who's side are you on hers or mine?" ...... "Thought so." After that she hung up. "Who was that?" She looked out the window and turned the radio on but low probably so we could talk. "Suzie." If someone else hurt Mel in the same day I swear I'll have to go to jail for murder. "What did she say?" Mel sighed. "She asked me what I did to upset Tanna, then she asked why I upset her, then she said Tanna was nice and would never want to upset anyone, then when I asked who's side she was on she said Sorry Mel but I'm on Tanna's. So yup that's what happened." I pulled into the lot of the mall. "Mel come here." She crawled into my lap and I wrapped my arms around her. "At least you have me." She smiled then kissed me. "Come on." She said as she pulled back. She ran into the building and I knew she was going to the food court first. I sorta tried to catch up but I didn't try that hard. "Come on slow poke. Harry up." "Did you just say Harry up?" "Maybe." "Hahaha you laugh at my stupid jokes I'll laugh at yours." She stuck her tongue out like a 6 year old but it was cute. I ran to catch up to her actually trying this time. She started to run faster I ran around a few doors and cut her off on the inside. "Gotcha." She screamed and started to laugh I was on the floor laughing. "Excuse me can I help you?" One of the Macy workers asked she looked annoyed until she saw me. "Oh my god you're Harry Styles." I sighed I just wanted to spend one day with Melanie without meeting a fan girl, taking a picture, or giving an autograph. "Yes and your point is?" "Um where did your friend go?" The worker asked. I turned to look at where Melanie was standing and she wasn't there. She went to the food court. "That is none of your concern." I turned and walked to the food court. I found her at one of the tables eating a sandwitch. "Melanie." I said as I walked up to her. "Alright talk."

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