Dance + Bullies

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"You should try out for a team you know, a extracurricular activity." Gabby gave me pointers and tips for my school year.

"What do you do?" I wanted to have a friend if I did try to do anything.

"dance mainly just to get out of gym." Gabby laughed which showed her perfectly straight and white teeth.
"Do you dance? Any good?"

"Kind of I did when I was little." I explained. When I was about three I started doing dance classes and I took hip-hop and contemporary. As I got older I fell more in love with dance and the studio became my second home. Most of my friends were at my dance class. It was the only way I was really social with people outside of the orphanage.

"You should try out! I could put a good word in for you." Gab smiled as we walked down the hall.
"Don't bother I'm not sure if I'm even going to try out." Gabby pointed to the wall and I saw a big poster that said dance tryouts were tomorrow. Gab went and walked into her history class I went across the hallway to my algebra.

Next Day
Gabby walked me to the dance auditions during our gym period. There were 2 girls who were captain and co-captain and one lady who was the overall coach.  They gave us a little combo and then we performed it back to them. People got let go of pretty fast but Gab and I and a few other girls seemed to stay. Most of it was hip-hop and tumbling which were mainly my strong suits so I got pretty lucky.
"Thank you ladies! Names will be up on the board by tomorrow. We start practice on the 23rd. Don't be late." The coach walked into her office as people went to their bags and left from the back door.

"OW" I got shoved into the locker by 2 jocks. They thought they were cool even though they were just dimwits and always picked on me.
"Awe poor Lukey can't handle a little nudge."
I looked down at the ground as I saw a fist rise from one of the boys ready to come at my face. I got ready to be punched in the face. It wasn't like it hadn't happened before.

"How do you think you did?" Gabby asked.
"Not bad but I don't know if it was good enough to make the team..."

"that's how I felt last year and I made it. Would you mind coming with me to my locker I forgot something for my homework."
I thought about it and I really did want to get home to eat some food but I decided to go with Gabby since she's done so much for me so far this year. We walked through the front of the dance studio out to the hallway.
"OW!" We heard it coming from A hallway but her locker was in the B hallway.
"Awe poor Lukey can't handle a little nudge" I heard the name Luke and instantly thought the worse. Gabby went into the B hallway for her locker and I ran to the A hallway.
When I finally reached to the end of the hallway I saw a fist ready to hit Luke.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING." I jumped in front of the fest and blocked the punch before it could make it to Luke and I.
" what the hell" the bully looked at me and turned bright red. I held his fist and twisted it.
"What did Luke do to you today.?" I gave him my best death stare as I watched his buddy out of the corner of my eye. Luke just stood behind me shocked.
"Nothing. What's it to you." He clearly was in pain but tried really hard to sound tough.
"Then why are you hurting my brother what makes you think that's okay.? How dare you even think about hurting innocent people. Seriously why are bullies always so stupid.  Go ahead punch me what is it going to do? ..break my nose? News flash. I don't give a crap. try me. Now if you ever try to hurt my brother or anyone else in this School for that matter you're going to have another thing coming." I let go of his wrist as he fluffed up his varsity jacket and walked away with his buddy. His buddy was speechless but I heard him whisper, "she think she's so cool. She just knows how to twist your wrist that's all. We will get her along with lil Lukey." His friend nodded as they turned the corner. Gab came out of nowhere and said she had all she needed and Could  drive Luke and I home.
no one said a word until we got in the car. Gabby was clearly clueless about what had just happened.

"Thank you." Luke barely made a noise.
"You're welcome." I looked out the window and felt loose hand touch mine.  Our fingers intertwined, both of us looking the opposite way. Neither one of us moved we just sat there holding hands.

Gabby was in the front driving and saw nothing but the road and what radio station was on.

A/N woah plot twist. I don't know if that happened kind of fast but how to fit it in the story somewhere. Haha.

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