Chipr Threyet

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Meanwhile in the helicopter with the period army:

"..Phew, I got away from peach fuzz.." The Norwegian attaches himself to the wall of the plane magically.

"Paul iM BORED." Patryk complains.

"Well then GO ENTERTAIN YOURSELF." He yells.




Tord watches like everyone was fucking insane as usual.

"What do you call a magic owl?" Powl walks up to Patryk.


"JOHN CENNNAAA" Paul becomes John Cena. The theme plays loud as fuck in the backround.

"aaaAAAAAAAAAAAA" Patryk had Cena lot and his head inflated like an airhead commercial, popping loud and violently.

"Oh, fuck. This is the third time this week," Paul sighs.

"Wait a second, who's driving the chopper?" Tord asks.

The chopper suddenly lights on fire and starts to spin in three sixtys. Paul screams like Squidward. Tord hisses.

The plane crashes into a tree.

"TELL MY WIFE.. I LOVED HER" The plane dies dramatically, fire going out. Tord clings to the second nearest tree and Paul gets out of the plane like nothing happened.

"What happened to being the champ?"

"Oh shut up, asshole."


Apologies for short chapter.

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