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// prologue //

luke first met michael when he was fourteen. michael doesn't remember this encounter, insisting that they met at fifteen in the school library. luke remembers, though. he remembers everything about their first encounter, from what michael was wearing to what song he himself was humming.

michael was new to the school and waltzed into luke's science class a month and a half into second semester. the teacher, mr. sampson, was starting their unit on space. michael took the only available seat in the classroom, which happened to be next to luke. he stopped humming adam's song by blink-182 when michael sat down.

at the time michael still had his original hair colour, its natural highlights enchanting luke. mr. sampson continued on with his lesson after welcoming michael and giving him a textbook, saying that they'll talk about his marks after class.

luke was wearing the school uniform like all the other students, except for michael. he was wearing skinny jeans and a band tee shirt, though he tried to match the uniform with grey jeans, black converse, and a navy-blue band tee. because he was out of uniform, he had to carry around a green note from the main office excusing his attire. apparently, the uniform store was low on stock, so michael had to wait for his uniform - this forced him to wear casual clothes to school, because transferring schools was a relatively urgent matter for the then-blonde.

michael didn't do anything in that class other than stare into space. then, five minutes before the bell, he spoke to luke. "hey, i'm michael."

"luke," the blue-eyed boy had responded, not taking his eyes off the homework he had started working on.

"i was wondering if i could borrow your notes. i'm just not with it today," michael asked, slightly muttering.

"oh. well, how long do you need them for?" luke asked, always careful to review the lesson learned in class each night.

"i can give them back tomorrow in class," michael said, mentally making a note of what he had just said- notes back tomorrow, don't ruin them.

with slight reluctance, luke had taken his highlighted notes out of his binder and handed them to michael. he had asked him to be careful before packing up his stuff and standing just as the bell rang.

the next day michael sat at the back of the class snapping his peppermint gum and not taking notes, and luke sat in his usual seat. the then-dark blonde dropped luke's notes from the previous day on his desk as he sauntered out of class early without a word to the blue-eyed boy.

that was the only time they spoke before the library at fifteen in the biography section, but it was their real first time meeting each other.


a/n: wowie years later let's try this again (re-upload/editing)

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