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Prussia's (Gilbert's) POV

Most people would think I'm a fool. Hell, even I think I'm a fool. But when you've lived as long as I and done so many things, you are no fool. There is a sort of truth to every word spoken; and not minority, nor priority chooses which is correct. Most would say I am a fool, but there is a fool in everyone, whether it's contoured, or blended. It's there. You can say the same about how wise someone is. It's not very obvious in some cases, but it's there.


The dead leaves of the forest crunched under my boots, my untrusting vermilion eyes scanned the forest, looking for intruders. It was the same pattern. Stop. Listen. Go. Stop. Listen. Go. Every time I was out, there was always something to discover; whether it was a lower country to conquer, a new hunting ground, or something as small as a new and unfamiliar sapling. That's why I take time to myself everyday to do this.

My ears perked at the sound of a voice. It was a male's voice, but I didn't assume he was just talking to air. I focused the pressure on my feet so that any noise would be minimum. Like a cougar blending in with the trees, I swiftly approached the source, decelerating as I got closer. When I finally saw who it was, I found that it was the new world countries. There were two, almost the same in comparison.

An idea came to mind, but I quickly dismissed it. Befriend them? No. Take them captive? No. I wasn't sure if they were owned. If I took them, I wouldn't want someone invading me and Germany to reclaim them. Instead I observed.

"What do you mean I'm 'too much'?" The one in a bomber jacket asked.

"You know damn well what I mean," another, quieter one, snapped.

"I don't think I can ever drag ass and love moose as much as you do. No way in hell!" He insulted.

"Well at least I do something with my life besides watch football and shove potato chips in my mouth all day! This is why England doesn't like you. You're obnoxious and useless."

The one in the bomber jacket backpedaled a step. I could see his jaw flexing from clenching his teeth. All was silent. When he finally spoke, it was cold and venomous. "Screw you man. I'm going home." He stomped away leaving the other with his arms crossed and face red.

Alone, he ran his fingers through his hair, dragging out a long sigh. He looked like he was about to scream, but never did. Sympathy flooded in me. He was alone, abandoned, frustrated, and all I was thinking was taking their vital regions.

I revealed myself and called out, "Yo!" Grabbing his attention, he turned and looked at me, surprise in his expression. When I was face to face with him I asked, "You okay? I heard yelling over here"

He held his breath and avoided eye contact, "Thank you for asking, but I'll be okay."

I peered into his electric blue eyes and mused "How'd you get all the way out in this place? You do know this is a country's territory that your trespassing in?"

His eyes widened. I smirked. "To be more accurate, this is my country you're trespassing in."

"I'm so sorry!" He apologized, "I'll leave if-"

"Actually," I interrupted, "Would you like to come over?"

He frowned. "You're not going to kick me out?"

"Nah," I stuck out my gloved hand and introduced myself, "Prussia. A pleasure."

He looked at my hand and glanced up at me. After slight hesitation he took my hand and shook it formally. "I'm Canada. Enchantè."

Enchanté: French for "enchanted" meaning "It's enchanting to meet you."

Ohonhonhon~ I don't know why I've been craving a PruCan fic, but aim mahking juan! Honestly, I think PruHun makes more sense, but Canada and Prussia are a couple of my favorite characters. Aaand people ship them...

Tell me one reason on why the fuck not.

I tried so hard not to ship them, but it just happened. I guess it's true. I can't control any of the winds: they blow the way they want to blow. So I'm just going to let the wind guide me through PruCan ;) Don't try to go the opposite directions of the wind, it won't work out.

This chapter is very short. I promise there will be longer chapters, estimate at about twice as long. Caoi!

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