Taking Advantage of Winter

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Gilbert's (Prussia's) POV

I had the choice of either going to America's house for Christmas, or to Austria's house. I normally went to Austria's house every year, but I didn't know Canada back then. Most of my friends would go to Austria's, but at America's... I didn't know too many people. I mean, France would be there, and me and America himself were on a good level, but I didn't know most people. It would be best to stay with the Germanic family, but I really wanted to go with Matthew. I needed to give him my present.

I sighed out loud. I needed to plan something with Matthew.

"Hey Matt?"

"Mmhmm?" He hummed as we watched titanic on his couch. He was currently snuggled into my chest with my arms wrapped around him.

"I was, uh, wondering... What're your plans for Christmas?"

He smiled and twirled a strand of my hair in his fingers, "Did you want to do something, Gil?"

I grinned sheepishly, "Well I did want to hang out with you."

"I'm free on Christmas Eve."

I mentally facepalmed myself. If we spent our time together on Christmas Eve, we could both go to our separate family's Christmas reunions and have time to personally be together. Best of all, Christmas Eve was tomorrow, and I had a good idea where we could go.

"You wanna go out somewhere then?"

He smiled shyly, "I have a-an idea where we could go, if you don't mind."

I raised an eyebrow. "Where?"

He gave me a peck on the side of my chin, "It's a surprise."

I decided his 'surprise' was more important.

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We were driving in Matthew's pickup truck, the chains on the tires making the ride bumpy. It was a long ride, passing by many forests, snow getting thicker, running by an animal every once in a while. Finally, Matt blindfolded me before arriving to our destination. I heard some people, talking and laughing. Gleeful screams in the background.

Matthew lead me out of the truck, then stopped me next it. "Hold out your arms," he ordered.

Anticipation was killed me. I held out my arms and felt something long with a medium amount of weight drop in my arms. It was flat. My heart skipped a beat when I figured out what it was.

"You can take off the blind now."

I ripped the thing off so I could look at the beauty in my hands. It was a Burton snowboard, the design filled with one main white skull and swirls of black, white, and red decorating the rest of the board. It was brand new and glossy. Matt got everything right, the design was perfect, it was the perfect height, and even the feet were positioned right. "How'd you know I was left footed!?" I asked, drooling with awe.

He shrugged, "You went on a snowboarding trip with Denmark and my brother once, right? Well, America told me how much of a nut snowboarder you are and helped me pick out a snowboard for you. Merry Christmas."

My heart swelled up. He did all this for me? The snowboard was beautiful. She was perfect.

I saw his eyebrows furrow into a frown, "Gil? Are you... crying?"

I brushed a tear out of my eye and exclaimed, "Forget that. Let's take her out for a spin!" I bolted away from the truck, into the ski area Matt brought me to. There were ski lifts going up the mountain and a few buildings here and there. I assumed they were where you rented to boards and skis. I was about to latch my new board on, but I realized, I didn't have any snowboard boots.

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