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Matthew's (Canada's) POV

"I don't know what to wear!" I was panicking. Although me and Gilbert have spent a lot of time together, I never went on an informal date with him. We were meeting up at France's place, which I secretly loved, but if I can't find a proper tuxedo, how am I supposed to go?

"Don't you have any suits?" Asked America.

"Only an old one. It's too small on me."

"Seems good to me."

"Alfred!" I wined, "I'm going on a date! I have to wear something decent!"

"Wait a second! This new tailor opened at my place," America announced, "He has some totally bomb suits!"

I weighed my options. Go to France without a suit, probably earn a disapproving stare from him if he caught me, or risk being late and get a brand new suit from America. I checked my watched and sighed. "Okay, but let's not take too long."

The blonde man cheered. "Yes! You'll love them!"

...---'' yhtlif ''---...

I really liked the suits available. Most were black and white, but I found that a bit too generic. I ended getting fitted in a navy blue suit with a matching tie and silver dress shirt.

I purposely came a little later so that I wasn't the first one there. I really didn't want to awkwardly wait and with my nervous nature, I'd start making up the most worrisome scenarios in my head. We agreed to meet right outside of the restaurant, but I couldn't find Gilbert there. I guess I was ending up waiting anyway.

Before I could confirm that thought, Gilbert came from God knows where and surprised me. I could've sworn he had hid somewhere on purpose. "Matthew!" His eye's scanned me up and down, "I'm glad I didn't over dress.

While he was trying to talk to me, I could only stare. He was wearing a tuxedo, with a red bowtie around his neck. His tux even had the classic tails in the back. My eyes trailed from up and down, unable to rip my eyes away. I didn't normally look at men in suits like this, but when Gilbert came like this, I couldn't keep my composure.

He tapped my chin, catching my attention again. I saw his smirk. He knew he looked damn sexy in his outfit. "Cat caught your tongue?"

I blinked. "No, I just didn't know you could be such a gentleman."

He rubbed the back of his neck bashfully. "Well, I'm not normally," he admitted, "but I really wanted to impress you."

If my face wasn't already red, I definitely knew I was blushing now. Did he really care that much? I was grateful I wasn't the only one who was struggling with their clothing today.

"Speaking of which..." he continued. I saw him pull out a flower he was hiding behind his back. A single white rose. He presented it in front of me, "For you."

Oh he was good. I took the rose out of his fingers and smiled. The fact that he dressed and got such a flower for me, made me feel special: as cheesy as it sounds. "Merci," I thanked, "It's really nice of you."

He smiled back, then rubbed his hands together. "Now, I'm excited to taste the wine. Let's go in while the nights still young."

"You make it sound like a party." I laughed lightly.

"It can be if you want it too," he grinned.

"No no." I insisted, slightly in a joking manner, "What will France think? Disrupting his country."

Gilbert scoffed, "Like that would stop me."

We entered the building, the sweet scent of flowers engulfing us. I picked a window seat, half expecting France to be the waiter, but was only disappointed when it wasn't. "Any drinks?" The waiter asked in a French accent.

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