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Matthew's (Canada's) POV

I groaned and leaned back in my chair. This was not one of my days. I didn't want to work. I just wanted to crash on my couch, with a liter of soda and a bowl of popcorn, then watch Titanic on replay for the rest of my evening. Even better, invite Gilbert with me.

Speaking of which, I haven't seen the Prussian since last week when we had that snow-in. The snow now had melted a considerable amount, shrubs and grass now exposed. That was really tough on my country, we basically stopped running for a week. It gave me a break, but stacked paperwork came to haunt me.

I decided that I could go for a snack, so I left my desk and went to the kitchen. As I looked through my fridge, I felt a familiar tug on my pant leg. "Look." A voice squeaked.

I pulled out a couple ingredients for sandwiches and looked down to see what Kumajiro wanted. I almost dropped all the ingredients when I caught sight what he wanted me to see. Kuma held a long snake in his mouth, dead and limp. The bear cub held it out, offering me it.

I backpedaled a step, my chest feeling sick. He got closer, almost touching me with it. "Ku-Kuma! I don't want it! I don't want it!!" I thought any snakes would've been hibernating underground by now.

He snorted, hurt that I would reject his offering. He then pointed to the front door, "Outside."

"Huh? You want to show me something?" I asked.

He nodded and waited for me to lace on my boots. As soon as I tied them, he led me to the woodshed, where I could've sworn I saw a snake slither by. I swear to God if I have an infestation... I gulped and peeped in, inspecting the place. It wasn't until I moved a piece of wood until I found dozens of freshly disturbed snakes wriggling out from between the pieces of wood. I don't think I've ever let out a more undignified and unmanly scream.

The snakes, now disturbed, seemed to glare at me, flicking their forked tongues. I didn't dare stay a moment longer. I grabbed Kumajiro and ran out of the shed like I just discovered Satan himself. As soon as I got inside my home, I slammed the door and contemplated burning down my woodshed.

Kuma crawled out of my arms and fetched the snake that still laid on my kitchen floor. He brought it back, holding it in his paw and sniffing it curiously. "How do I say?" He asked.

"Snake." I said through clenched teeth, "slimy, rotten, filthy..."

"Snake," he repeated, "slimy, rotten-"

I shook my head, realizing what I've done. "N-N-No Kumajiro! Snake."

"Snake." He nodded. He put the dead garden snake back in his mouth and ran off on all fours to the living room to play with it.

I was about to scold at him to throw it outside, but I didn't bother. I just didn't feel like scolding. No, not after that.

What was I going to do about the infestation? Well... it wasn't terrible. I mean, it was only in the wood shed. I've had plenty of critters in there before, so why should I worry about the snakes? Who am I kidding, I hated snakes. I was terrified of them. I really didn't feel like having to exterminate them myself.

I sighed out loud and looked at my kitchen. The bottle of mayonnaise and lettuce was still on the floor. With that, I heaved myself off the floor and went to pick up after myself.

...:!: eab htiw nignah :!:...

Gilbert finally came over. I didn't think I could ever shower him with more kisses. This week wasn't the best it could've been, so I was happy I could finally spend more time with him.

He rubbed his arms when he took off his jacket, still at the front door. "Jeez Matt, why's it always so cold in your house?"

"Ah sorry," I apologized, "I just came home too and was about to start up the wood stove."

Gilbert looked past me into the living room, where the wood stove was. "You're out of firewood?"

I was about to go myself, but then I remembered the little infestation. "Uh, er- could you get some from the shed? I'll go find my matches."

He tilted his head to the side, "Shed? Oh yeah! I'll get some!" He left, his boots still on. I watched as he closed the front door, already on his way.

Despite it being cold, I was sweating. Ugh, I'm such a coward! Gilbert was happily getting me firewood while I was just shuffling around for matches. I began to think of different things that could happen. What if they attack him? What if he gets bitten? More and more scenarios went through my head until I couldn't take it anymore.

I stopped everything I was doing and ran outside in the snow, wearing only a thin pair of slippers. I found Gilbert just about to loud up the bin with wood. "Gil stop!" I cried, "Don't touch them!" I grabbed his arm, pulling him away.

"Matthew?" He blinked, surprised, then scanning my body, noting that I was jacketless. "Aren't you cold?"

I ignored the question and told him, "There are snakes in there. They'll bite you!"

He raised an eyebrow, "Oh really?" He peered at the pieces of wood, moving them around a little.

"Gilbert, I'm serious!" I wined and let go of him, now cringing as he filled up the bin with wood.

He stopped and pulled a snake out. It was wriggling and sliding through his fingers. He was grinning. "You mean these? Aw they don't bite. They're only garden snakes."

My eyes widened as I saw him play with it. "G-Gilbert! Don't!"

"Don't what?" He smirked, amused. "Do this?" He held the snake by the tail and taunted by moving it closer to me.

"I swear if yo-" I stopped. As I was backing up, I felt something pierce through my heel. I recoiled my leg and sat down on a piece of wood, holding my injured foot.

"Eh? Matt, you okay?" He put down the snake. He frowned as he realized, "You're barefoot!?"

"I have slippers." I said uselessly.

His crimson eyes widened as he just noticed the blood that was dripping down on the shed floor.

"Nail." I realized. "I stepped on a nail."

"C'mere, we gotta clean that. It's bleeding too fast for it to be shallow." He help me up, but surprised me by swooping his arm beneath my leg, now holding me bridal style.

Despite the pain, I smiled and pointed towards my house. "Away my steed!"

Gil gave a small smile back then began walking, his boots crunching on the smaller pieces of wood on the ground.

Hey there! I just wanted to celebrate, 1000 views! Hell yeah! I'm glad you like my story so much CX Thank you. What better way to celebrate than posting a chapter?

I'm sorry. I've been kinda inactive, and will continue to be. I'll keep posting, just not as often as I used to.

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