Finding out

400 24 3

11 weeks pregnant.

Jessica's on set with Zachary, Lily and Sarah, and the subject of fairs come up for some reason.

"It's been years since I went to the fair!" Lily says.
"Oh I went to one almost three months ago, I guess."
"Where were you that there was a fair?" Sarah asks.
"I was in Minnesota."
"I didn't know you were there!" Zach says.
"Yeah I was spending some time at my cabin."
"Hmmm... With who?" Sarah asks as she realizes that Jessica will be three months pregnant next week.
"No one! I was by myself.. Just me!" She answers nervously.
"Mmhhmm.." Sarah raises an eyebrow.

Evan walks in and Lily says, "Hey Evan, when's the last time you've been to a fair?"
Jessica starts to silently panic.
Don't answer! Don't answer! Lie! Lie!
"Um.. About three months ago I guess." He answers.
Oh shit!

Sarah's eyes widen and she gasps.
"OH MY GOSH!" She says as Jessica grabs her arm and says, "Sarah! I forgot, you Evan and I have to rehearse some lines! Come on Evan!" She yells.

Evans confused but he follows Jessica to her trailer.
"Jessica what's going on?" Evan asks.
Jessica pushes Sarah on the bed and Sarah points at them.
"You? And.. And you?!"
Jessica nods her head yes and Sarah gasps.
"Ooh! She knows?" Evan asks.
"Yes.." Jessica answers as Sarah's jaw drops and her eyes widen.
"How? When?"
"When we had that meeting with Ryan in LA before filming."
"IN LA?!"
Jessica shhh's her and tells her to shut up.
"So.. You two are together?"
"Yes." Evan answers.
"And you're pregnant?"
"Yeah.." Jessica laughs.
"And you're the father?" She asks Evan.
"Yep!" He smiles.
"So... You two are having a baby?"
"Yes Sarah!" Jessica yells.
"And you can't tell anybody!" Evan says.
"I won't, I won't! Oh my gosh... I'm shocked! I never would have thought it was Evan that was the father!"
"Crazy, isn't it?" Evan smiles at Jessica.
"So the baby was conceived in Minnesota?"
"Yeah.. At the cabin." Jessica smiles.

Christopher comes of from his part of the trailer and says, "You went to the cabin without me? AND GOT PREGNANT?!"
"Sorry sweetie!" Jessica smiles nervously and chuckles.
"Well anyway.. So yeah.. We're having a baby." Jessica smiles.
Evan hugs her and she looks up to kiss him.
"Awe you guys! You're in love!" Sarah smiles.
"We are!" Evan says then gives her a deeper kiss.
"Well alright, I don't need to see all that!" She laughs.
"Sorry!" Jessica breaks the kiss.
"But I really really am so incredibly happy for you two!"
"Thank you Sarah!" Jessica smiles.


Later that day they go to dinner with Sarah.

"So when are you guys announcing the pregnancy?"
"Pretty soon would be my guess since my little Jessie's beginning to show." Evan rubs her stomach.
"Hah, yeah she won't be your little Jessie for long!" Sarah laughs.
"Shut up!" Jessica throws a dinner roll at her.
"I'm just saying, I've been friends with Jessica for many many years and I was there for her pregnancy with Chris. When she's pregnant, SHE'S PREGNANT!" Sarah laughs and holds her arms out mimicking a big belly.
"You ass!"
"I'm sorry Jess but you know it's true."
"Yeah okay!" Jessica crosses her arms, pouts and leans back in her chair.
"Did you guys know I was born in the back of a truck?  Because I didn't." Christopher interrupts.
"You were what?!" Evan answers surprised.
"I knew!" Sarah laughs.
"You gave birth in the back of a truck?!"
"Sam's truck!" Sarah adds.
"No way!  Really?!" He smiles.
"Yes, and it's a long story that I'll tell you later!" She chuckles and taps his chest.


A week later on their way to Nola Jessica turns to Evan and says, "I think I'm ready to tell our families now... I mean I'm obviously pregnant and we need to say something before the magazines do."
"Well if you're ready, then so am I." He smiles and wraps his arm around her shoulder.
"Thanks honey." She smiles and lays on his chest.

Jessica calls her sisters, brother and her mom and tells them that they're having a family dinner tonight at her house.
She decided to tell their families separate just in case they didn't take the news well.
Especially since her siblings had no idea that she was even dating Evan.

Jessica slips on her jeans, "Ahh!" Evan runs into the bathroom and says, "What's wrong?  Are you okay?!"
"I'm fine, it's just.. I can't button my pants." She pouts.
"Awe baby!" He smiles.
"I'm fat!" She cries.
"No baby you're not fat!" He walks closer to her and wraps his arms around her waist.
"It's just that the baby's growing.. Doesn't that make you happy?" He smiles.
"Yeah.." She says in almost a whimper.
"I'll tell you what, I'll take you shopping tomorrow and we'll get you a whole bunch of maternity clothes, okay?"
"Alright." She smirks.
"Come here!" He hugs her.
"I love you, Evan."
"I love you too, Princess."

Since Jessica couldn't button her pants she wore a long, flowy top that camouflaged her baby bump and hid that her pants were unbuttoned.

Jessica's mom shows up first, to help her get ready, "Oh mom you don't have to do anything, I've got it!" She smiled.
"Oh no, I'm here to help!  That's what moms are for!" She grabs her face in her palms and Jessica smiles.
".. Honey.. You're gaining weight.. in your face and everything!  Have you been eating right?  You know you're known for that tiny figure!  People are gonna start to think you're pregnant." She says as Jessica lets out a nervous laugh.
"Oh mom, it's okay!  You know I've never cared what they have to say about me!"
"I know you haven't, I'm just saying."

A few minutes later Jessica goes with her mom to grab something from her car.
A gust of wind suddenly blows up Jessica's shirt, "Woah!  Haha, let's put that back down!" She laughs and yanks her shirt down.
Without her realizing it, Jessica's shirt has blown back and her mom starts to wonder.
Jessica looks chubbier but it's a different kind of chubby.. Is my baby pregnant?

When they get back in the house Jessica and Evan are doing the last minute things for the dinner.
"Awe baby, you got sauce on your shirt!" Jessica grabs a wet cloth and tries cleaning him up.
"That's okay, I'll just change." He smiles and kisses her before taking his shirt off and going upstairs.
Dorothy turns and watches Evan. 
If she is pregnant I can see why!  That boy is gorgeous!

"He's handsome, isn't he?" Jessica smiles as she catches her mom gawking at her boyfriend.
"He sure is!" She laughs.
Dorothy hugs Jessica from behind and Jessica freezes, "Mom.. What are you doing?"
"Just loving you.." She smiles and feels around her stomach.
"Ma you're being weird, what's wrong?  Why are you touching me like that?"
"Jessie, look me in the eyes and tell me that you're not pregnant."
"Pregnant?  What?!"
"Jessica Phyllis Lange, don't you lie to me!" She gives her a stern face.
"I-I.. I.. Mom I.." Even though Jessica planned to tell her family today, she got one hundred times more nervous when her mom brought it up.
"You never have been a good liar, have you?" She taps her cheek and smiles.
"Wait a second.. Are you?"
Jessica smiles and nods her head.
"Ah my baby!" She smiles and hugs her.
"Oh ma it's been so hard not to say anything!"
"Awe, how far along are you?"
"I'm 12 weeks and I've known for six."
"12 weeks?  So you're in your second trimester now, huh?"
"Yep!" She smiles.
"Well I am so happy for you, baby girl!"
"Awe thanks mom!"
"I knew you were pregnant!  My Jessie never gains weight!" She says as they both laugh.
"How's grandmas baby doing?" She puts her hand on her stomach.
Jessica smiles and rubs her moms shoulder.

Evan walks down, "Hey!  You know!"
"A mother always knows!  Congratulations Evan, you're gonna be an amazing father!"
"Awe thank you Ms. Lange!" He hugs her.
"I'm so excited, I'm gonna be a grandma again!" She smiles and claps her hands together.

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