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Evan called Dorothy to let her know what was going on.  She agreed to pick Christopher up from school, then meet him at the hospital.

"Dada, where mama?" Isabella looks up to her father.  Her sweet innocent eyes staring straight into his.

"Mama is with the doctor."


"Because something was wrong.  But don't worry, they're gonna take good care of her and the baby."

"Oh.. Dada I scared."

"Oh Pumpkin.. mommy and baby will be okay.... you know what we could do?"

"What, Dada?" Isabella lifts her hands.

"We can say a prayer for them!"

Isabella nods. "Pway!"

"Yeah!" Evan picks her up and sits her on his lap.

"Say, dear God.."

"De God!"

"Please watch over my mommy."

"Pwease *babbles* my mama!"

"And baby brother or sister."

"An Baby!"

"Keep them safe."

"Dem safe!"

"And let them grow big and strong!"

"Big an STRONG!"

"And pray for my baby siblings in Heaven."

"Ya." She nods.

"Now say amen."

"A Hen!"

"Close enough." Evan smiles softly and kisses her cheek.


"What, baby?"

"I sweep!"

"Okay, baby.  Lay down and take a nap." Evan lays her down on his chest and gently rubs her back.


A while later Dorothy and Christopher arrived at the hospital.

"Oh Evan! How are they? Have you heard anything?"


"This is so scary!"

"I know..
Dorothy, what's horrible is that the other baby is totally fine!  If we lose this baby.. I don't know how I'll handle it.. and I'm afraid of how Jessica will."

"That poor baby."

"Mr. Peters."

"Yes?!  My wife?  My-my baby, how are they?"

"Your wife is out of surgery and they are wheeling for into recovery right now."

"Is my baby.. is it alive?"

"I really would prefer to speak to you and you ir wife together."

Evan's heart hurt so badly when he heard that.

Evan turned to Dorothy and she took the sleeping baby from his arms.


"I'm sorry, Evan." Christopher says.

"Me too, bud.." Evan pats him on the back.

He then followed the doctor back to Jessica's room.
When Evan walked in Jessica was laying in bed in tears.

"My baby.. is my baby okay?"

"Oh Jessie." Evan rushed to her side.

"Evan, the baby.."

"They didn't tell me anything." He says holding her hands in his.

"Doctor, please tell us!" Jessica begs.

"Mr. and Mrs. Peters, your baby made it through the surgery."

"Oh my gosh!  Thank you Jesus!" Jessica sobbed.

"There is something I need to discuss with you though."

"What?  What's wrong?"

"During our scan, it gives us a closer look at everything, and what we found was.."

"What?!" Jessica raises her voice.

"Mrs. Peters, you're carrying two healthy babies."

"What?" Both Evan and Jessica say in shock.

"Here are some pictures of you don't believe me."

"Twins?  We're having twins?" Jessica asks with wide eyes.

"Yes ma'am." The doctor smiles.

"So that's twins.. plus the one in my fallopian tube?"

"Yes ma'am."


"Oh gosh.. That's was three babies.. that was triplets.. Oh My Gosh, Am I A Man Or WHAT?!" Evan shouts.

Jessica laughs and lays her head on his chest. "Yes you are!"

"Two babies, Jessica.  We're gonna have two babies!"

"I'm in shock! God is so good." She cries happy tears.

"All the time." Evan smiles and hugs her tighter.


Soon Dorothy and the kids came back. Dorothy was a mess when she saw Jessica.

"Momma, don't be sad! We have good news!" Jessica smiles.

"The baby's okay?"

"Yes! But there's something else."

"What is it, Ma?" Christopher asks.

"It's twins!"

"What?!" Dorothy and Christopher's eyes widen.

"Apparently I'm a gum ball machine and there were three, but now there are two, and they're both very healthy!"

"Ahh! This is amazing news!" Dorothy shouts waking Isabella.

She starts crying and fussing loudly.

"Oh I'm sorry, baby!"

"It's okay. Come here, Pumpkin." Evan takes her. He then kisses her forehead and says, "Bellie, guess what! There are two babies in Mommy's tummy?"

"Oh no.." She says in her adorable sleepy voice.

Everyone laughs at her cuteness.

"I can't believe how lucky we are.. I mean, I hate that we lost one but.. we're being blessed with two more little babies, and I couldn't be happier."

"Oh I am so happy for you all! Do they share a sac?"

"Yes, so we'll either have two boys or two girls!"

"I'm so excited!"

"Me too!" Jessica says as she looks over to Isabella tapping her hand on her daddy's face.

"I love my baby girl, she's my princess!
..But I'm rooting for two boys." Evan chuckles.

Jessica smiles and rubs his back.
Evan looks at her and softly kisses her lips.

Breaking it he shouts, "I knew you were too big for thirteen weeks!"

Jessica laughs and looks down at her small round tummy.  She rubs her hand over it and smiles.

"Mommy loves you, my sweet sweet babies.."

I know I've put y'all through a lot, so here's your treat! 😂♥️

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