Welcome home, baby girl

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Jessica gets dressed and fixed her hair.
When she came out she saw Evan sitting on the bed with Isabella in his arms just cooing away.
"Yeah, you're going home today with mommy, daddy and your big brother Chris.  It's gonna be a crazy ride, but we'll all get through it together." He smiles at her.

Jessica leans in the doorway and smiles as she watches them.
Evan looks up and sees Jessica, "Oh look there's momma!  Say hi!  Say hi, mommy." He stands up and walks towards Jessica.
"You're so good with her." Jessica smiles.
"Thanks... I'm starting to feel a little more comfortable.  I'm still scared I'm gonna drop her.. but I know I won't break her." He smiles.
Jessica laughs and runs her hand through his hair.
"I can't believe my life right now."
"I know... it's beautiful." He smiles.
"It sure is." She smiles back before he kisses her.

Jessica changes her into her going home outfit.
It was the cute little outfit Lily gave them at her baby shower that said, "Mommy and Daddy's little Valentine."
It had a little red tutu on it and she of course had to have a red bow in her hair.
"You are just the cutest!" She picks her up and kisses her cheek.
"Isn't she?! You know, Valentine's Day will never be the same to me."
"Me either." She smiles.
"This little one started making her way into this world on Valentine's, so that means she's gonna be the sweetest and most loving little girl ever! Isn't that right?" Jessica smiles as Isabella just studies her face.
"Are you staring at your momma?" Evan smiles.
"She's beautiful, isn't she Isabella?"
"Oh Evan!" Jessica giggles.
"You are beautiful, Princess." He puts his hand on her back and looks into her eyes.

When it was time to go, Evan wheeled Jessica down in her wheelchair as she held the baby in her arms.
"Mommy loves you, pretty girl." She smiles at her the whole way to the car and doesn't look up once.

When they get to the front, Evan takes the baby and puts her in her carrier then takes Jessica's hand as she stands up.
He smiles then kisses her before she gets into the car.
She buckles herself in next to Isabella and gently runs her finger on her little hand.
"I can't believe we're about to take her home!" Jessica says smiling at Isabella.
"I know, I'm so excited! Did you call your mom?"
"No, I'll call her right now." She says getting her phone out, but still staring at Isabella.

Christopher had stayed the night at Dorothy's and were going to meet them at the house after they got there.

"Are you enjoying the ride, Princess?" Jessica smiles.
"You're so observant, baby girl."
"Baby do you want anything to eat?" Evan asks her.
"Yeah, could you stop at Subway?"

When they get there Isabella starts crying, "Uh oh, I think someone's hungry!" Jessica says in a cute way.
"I'll feed her while you're in line."
"Alright, do you need anything before I get out?"
"Nah, all we need are mommy's boobies. Isn't that right, baby girl?" Jessica says in a cute voice.
"I know that's all daddy needs!" Evan says making her laugh.

Subway had a long line so Jessica had plenty of time to feed her.
"Oh Bellie, you were starving, weren't you?"
Isabella makes cute little baby noises and stares up at Jessica.
"Hi baby! You are just the prettiest little girl I have ever seen! Yes you are! Yes you are!" Jessica says in a cute voice.
She looks up and sees Evan standing in line.
"Look at your handsome daddy.. That man is the most amazing person on this earth. He cared about me when I was at my lowest point and loved me when I needed to be loved... He might have loved me a little bit too much!" She giggles and looks down at the baby.
"But he gave me you.. and you are the most beautiful little surprise I have ever received. You are such a little blessing... and you're mommy's little miracle... I know your big sister took care of you in Heaven until you were ready to be in mommy's arms. She would be around 17.. almost eighteen years old now." She says as her eyes tear up.
"Mommy was young and really really stupid... But it's different now.. I'm with someone who loves me and would never ever hurt me or my kids. Isabella, you're daddy is mommy's princes charming. He's the man who completely turned mommy's life around for the better." She smiles as a tear falls from her to Isabella.
"Oops! I'm sorry!" She giggles and wipes the tear from her face.

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