Just a dream.

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The next morning was Jessica's uncle's service.

"You okay, baby?" Evan asks as she quietly gets out of bed.
Jessica nods her head, stretches then walks to the bathroom.

When she comes out all she has on is a black lace bra and black tights.
"Well you look cute." He smiles.
Jessica laughs and says, "I left my dress in here."
"Come here." He calls her over as he sits on the edge of the bed.

Jessica walks over and stands between his legs.
Evan puts both hands on the sides of her stomach and says, "How's pumpkin doing today?"
"She's being a squirmer today." Jessica smiles and looks down.
"I can see that!  How's daddy's little princess doing?  Huh?  How is she?!" He baby talks to her stomach then kisses her belly button that is slowly turning into an outie.
She places her hands on his shoulders and slowly works them up to play with his bed head.
"Do you think she'll have your curls?"
"She might!" He smiles up at her.
"I hope so.. I hope she has you eyes.. Your smile.. Your cute little ears." As she names the body parts she gently runs her finger tips over them.
Evan smiles up at her and says, "If she looks anything like you baby, then she'll be perfect.  I hope she has your cute little nose though!" He stands up and kisses her nose.
"Aw.. I love you, babe." She smiles.
"I love you too, Princess." He hugs her and kisses the top of her head as she lays on his chest.


The funeral was hard on Jessica but she tried her best to stay calm.
Jessica's aunt came over to her with a teary smile and hugged her.
"Oh Jessie! Look at my beautiful beautiful Jessie! You're glowing sweet girl!" She says as she holds her hands and looks at her bump.
"Thanks aunt Dee."
"How many weeks are you?"
"I'll be 29 weeks on Thanksgiving."
"Ooh it's getting close for your little princess to arrive!" She rubs her stomach.
"Your uncle was so happy for you... For both of you." She looks at Evan.
"Age is only a number and love is love. He was so happy that you found someone to treat you the way an amazing woman like you was always supposed to be treated. He was happy that you're finally getting your baby girl... and Jessica he loved you so much.. He was so proud of everything you have accomplished, everything you have overcome.. He was and always will be your biggest fan."
Hearing that just broke Jessica.
"I know he's in a better place now but I'm selfish and I want him here!" She cries.
"You're not selfish, honey! We all want him here.. He was such an amazing guy. But he's watching over all of us and he'll be your little girls guardian angel forever."
Jessica lets out the tiniest smile and tries to stop crying.
"I know. I know he'll always be with me... That he'll never leave me, but it's just hard."
"Oh yes it is sweetheart, especially since this was very unexpected.. but we'll all get through this. You have to realize that we're the ones that are grieving, we're the ones mourning his loss.. He's perfectly healthy and happy. Think of it that way.. Pray for peace.. And focus on being the best momma you can be... Make him proud like you always have, because he's not leaving you.. Ever!"
Jessica hugs her aunt and feels better after their talk.


Later at the lunch after the funeral. 

"Oh cousin, let me see you! Ah! You are gorgeous!" Jessica's cousin Nicole runs over to her.
"Awe, thanks Nicole!"
"I need to feel!" Nicole puts both hands on her stomach.
"Ah, the sweet feel of baby kicks!"
"Are you getting baby fever, Nikki?" Jessica laughs.
"Oh no! Hah, I am perfectly happy with my two! But I am so happy for you Jessica!" She hugs her.
"Thank you!"
"Now where is he? I wanna meet the man that knocked up my little cousin!"
"Oh god!" She chuckles and rolls her eyes.
"Evan honey, come here!" She calls him.
"Yes, sweetheart?" He smiles at her.
"This is my cousin Nicole.  Nicole this is Evan." She smiles.
"Damn!  Good job Jess!" Nicole stares at Evan then says, "Oh uh!  It's very nice to meet you, Mr. Peters!" She giggles and shakes his hand.


The next few days Jessica felt lazy and all she wanted to do was stay in her pajamas all day.
So that's exactly what she did.

She leans back in a comfortable position on the couch and Evan sits beside her playing with her belly.
"Chris, come feel!" He calls him.

Chris puts his hand on Jessica's stomach and feels the baby squirming around.
"Whoa, she's moving so much!" His eyes widen.

She started kicking more for Chris and Jessica smiled, "She can tell you're her big brother!"
Chris smiles and bends down to kiss her stomach.
Jessica runs her hand thru his hair while Evan watches them with a smile on his face.

"What are we gonna name her?" He looks up but keeps his chin on Jessica's stomach.
"Well I don't know.. Evan and I had thrown out a few names but nothing has stuck yet.  Do you have any in mind?"

Christopher looks down and traces his fingers on her stomach, then looks up and says, "Isabella."
"Really?!  That's exactly what Evan said!  I love it, I think it's a beautiful name.. What made you think of that?"
"Well I remember when I was little.. Every time I had a bad dream, I would always have this good dream right after where this little angel would tell me everything's okay, and that she's always with me so I don't have to worry about anything.. She said she was my guardian angel and that her name was Isabella."
Jessica stays quiet for a few seconds then takes a deep breath and says, "Wow... How come you never told me about this dream before, honey?"
"In the dream the little girl said it was a secret between me and her and she said not to mention it to mom because it was a surprise."
"A surprise?... She called me mom?"
"Yeah..and the surprise was that one day you'd finally get to meet her.. I mean, it's just a dream but the name just stuck with me.. I think about it a lot."
"It's not just a dream to me, baby." Jessica puts her palm on his cheek and smiles with tears in her eyes.
Evan rubs her arm and Jessica looks at him as they both smile.

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