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Two months later.

"How do you feel?  Are you feeling pregnant yet?"

"Not really.  I've been having cramps today.. I think my period is finally coming."

"You're late, you should take a test."

"I don't know.. I don't think I am."

"Just take one." Evan pulls a test out of one of the grocery bags he was holding.

"Heh!  Alright, give it to me."

Evan hands it over and Jessica goes to the bathroom.





"I'm sorry, honey."

"Hey, don't say you're sorry!  It'll happen, bubs." Evan kisses her cheek and wraps his arms around her.


"What baby?"

"Taytoes!  Taytoes!"

Jessica laughs and says, " Her and her mashed potatoes!  I'll make you some, princess."

"Tanks!" Isabella says immediately going back to her toys.

Evan follows her into the kitchen and Jessica sighs.
"Evan, I think we should wait a while.."


"We should probably stop trying for a baby."


"Well we have American Horror Story and I really don't want to be pregnant during that."

"Oh.. well okay."

"Don't worry, baby! This will be my last season, Then we can have all the babies we want!"

"Yeah?" Evan smiles.

"Well not really, just one!"

"Alright, deal!" Evan chuckles.


"I'm coming, crazy!"

Jessica picks Isabella up and kisses her cheek.


"Get her Taytoes, mommy!" Evan says.

Jessica chuckles and nods her head.

Jessica made Isabella her mashed potatoes while Evan played with the baby.

"Who's daddy's favorite little princess?"

"Dada!" She giggles and hits her hands on Evan's face.

"Say I am, Dada!" He says in a baby voice.

Evan kisses her cheeks repeatedly making her laugh uncontrollably.

"Uh oh!"

"What?" Jessica turns to them.

"I made her laugh too hard and she's doing something.. Something that involves toxic fumes."

Jessica laughs and continues cooking.

"You're a stinky princess!"

"NO!" Isabella narrows her brows and points her finger at her father.

"Did you hear that, Jess? She's back talkin me!"

"Ooh Isabella!" Jessica giggles.

Just the Christopher walks in.
"Baba! Baba!" Isabella reaches for him.

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