A Day can Change a Lifetime

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Yuni started her morning early by going to school and working with the School Senior Committee. This was their final year of schooling before university, and she was determined to make everything perfect. The plans that Yuni had come up with were incredible and stunning. Festivals, concerts, balls, charity events. Yuni planned so much that the rest of the committee told her to tone it down. She smiled and agreed, letting them take a couple of the festivals and balls away.

"Well, that should be all for this morning, everyone!" Yuni said, clapping her hands together. "Today was great! I can't wait for more ideas and themes to come in for tomorrow! Just remember, we are role models of the school and should behave as such."

"Of course, Ms. Yuni!" one of the more earnest members of the committee said saluting her as everyone chuckled.

"Be nice, guys," Yuni replied, calming the cloud of laughter, "Take is just formal. No shame in that. Good day, everyone. Feel free to call or message me if you need anything."

As they had finished the meeting, the first bell had begun to ring. They all quickly gathered up everything, bid each other goodbye, and went into their respective classrooms. As Yuni entered hers, everyone bowed, and Yuni returned their politeness. Though she had told them they need not bow before her, they all still went through with it anyway. She was the youngest Moon princess. There were strict practices that were to be followed by those of lower standing. Even if Yuni disagreed with it. She took her seat by the window and got to work as the second bell rang.

Their homeroom teacher came in, and the class did their morning routine. Each teacher was coming, teaching, and moving on to the next classroom. By the time lunch came, Yuni was fully engulfed in her work. She ate quickly and returned to her studies. She was at the top of her year and intended to keep it that way. She noticed her cousin, Eri, waving at her to join her group for lunch, but Yuni declined.

She needed to keep herself at the top of her form. Yuni had the entire world watching her up close and at a distance. She needed to prove she would be just as prominent as the rest of her family. The bell rang for the end of lunch, and her classmates returned for another round of studying. Once again, the pleasantries began, and the work continued. Yuni couldn't help but notice Eri caught in a world of her own.

Eri was staring out the window from her seat daydreaming as her friend Konaka attempted to get her attention. It was common for Eri to stare out and dream of a separate life. Possibly the life of a superstar or a world traveler. She would prefer to see the world and travel the roads of her ancestors. Regrettably, she couldn't because she had responsibilities in this modern world. However, it never stopped her from dreaming about the adventures. In an unfortunate circumstance, Eri had been seated at the center desk of the classroom. Not only that, but the teacher stopped his lesson and fixated his attention on Eri's daydreaming. She couldn't afford to make any more mistakes.

"Eri!!! Eri!! Pay attention! This stuff is going to be on the exam! Eri-"Konaka whispered as she tried her hardest to get her friend back into reality.

"Ms. Nicozawa, I would spend more time studying and less daydreaming if I were you." Their math teacher stated, tapping on her desk and bringing Eri back to Earth, "That is if you wish to pass this exam and graduate with your classmates. Otherwise, you will be studying this Summer if you want to graduate."

Eri nodded as the bell rang, and the student bid their teacher farewell for the day. She couldn't believe she got caught daydreaming. Again. That was the third time this term. ~If my parents found out.~ she shuddered at the thought. ~No. No! NO! Don't believe that. I can do this. I. Can. Do. This.~

"I'm so screwed, aren't I, guys?" Eri said, banging her head down on the desk as Konaka and their friend Miyu nodded. "OW!"

Yuni rose from her desk, and moved closer to Eri's, looking stern, "You need to focus and get it together, or we won't be allowed to perform together at the festival next week. You're smart and have a big brain in that head of yours. Now is the time to be using it."

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