Two Sides the Same Story

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It had been three days since Yuni had gone missing and Goten was furious! He had flown home two days early once he had received word that Yuni was missing. He spent days and nights searching, both physically and magically, but to no avail. Goten tried, but couldn't find her anywhere. He couldn't even sense her presence no matter how hard he tried! It bothered him to no end, and he was reaching his breaking point. She was his baby sister, after all. Yet she was gone and the promise he had been keeping for the past 14 years to his parents was falling apart. He couldn't take it anymore.

"Why haven't you found Yuni yet!?! What do you mean you can't find her?! No, no, no! You all are supposed to be the best in the business, and you're telling me you have no clue?! Seriously? She the only person in the ENTIRE world with natural six-foot-long pink hair! Find her NOW!!", he said, hanging up the phone as he paced the room.

"Goten, my love, calm down. They will find her. She couldn't have gotten too far, I hope. You know how good she is at hiding," Miyabi said, rubbing his shoulders. "I know she's okay. I can feel it in my soul."

He grimaced and turned to kiss her, "Ren and I promised my mother before she was murdered that we would always protect our baby sister. With Ren gone doing whatever it is he decided to do with his life, this job has fallen to me. She may be eighteen now, but she's still just a child. I have to protect her."

Miyabi smiled and grabbed his chin, "No, WE have to protect her. She is my sister too. Blood or not we're still family. When I married you, I married the whole package of the Moon family. That means she's my family too. WE will find her and bring her back home. Don't you worry about that."

Goten looked at his wife, "You've been watching those dramas again, haven't you?"

"Hey! So what if I have?" she looked at him annoyed and punched him in the arm. "I'm trying to be a good mother to your sister here! Is that so wrong?"

He laughed, rubbing his shoulder, "No, love, but you've raised six children, and if they came out fine then so will my baby sister."

They sighed, went over to the bed, and laid down. Goten stared up at the ceiling for a bit longer. ~Where are you, Yuni? If you can hear me, come home soon and please be okay.~ He prayed as he looked at his wife, slowly drifting off to sleep. Goten wished he felt as blissful as she did. Miyabi was confident that Yuni would come home soon. It made him think of all their conversations together. Had he been a mean guardian? He didn't think so. He disciplined her when necessary, but he was never cruel or vindictive to her or his own children. The thought of her running away made him uneasy, but not for obvious reasons. He knew this wasn't how it happened. It couldn't have happened that way. That was their other sister, Rini's job to run and hide. Doing something like this made no sense to Goten.

Yuni didn't just run away. Even if she did, she still told someone. Eri, Kagome, Kaz, Daisuke, Sora, and sometimes even Miyabi. She'd never want the family to worry for this long, even the family she didn't like. This is what made things odd. No one could have taken her. Yuni wouldn't go down without a fight, and it would have to be a big one just to render her incapacitated. He lingered on those thoughts for a moment. They began to make him feel slightly better. If someone does have her, then she fought hard, and they must have played dirty.

Miyabi's thoughts were far more calmed with hints of worry building inside. She was trying to remain calm for everyone else. The past two days they had spent with Eri, Dai, and Yumi trying to keep the press from getting involved. Miyabi saw how much of a toll Yuni's disappearance was taking on everyone. Eri had been staying in Yuni's room, hoping to find clues, and was going back home tomorrow. Even the guards who were in charge of the gate on her birthday did not see her return to the estate. The thoughts kept building in her head until she had no choice but to calm them and go to sleep. It was then the both of them went to bed uneasy but confident that Yuni would come home. As their minds were slowly being quieted by the sandman's lullabies.

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