Whispers of True Love

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The next couple of months went without an issue. Yuni focused on her projects and slowly got to know Sesshomaru better. For Sesshomaru, he quit being the principal at Yuni's school. He knew if he was going to court Yuni, it should be on level ground. They had done a couple of dates to the winter solstice festival. Yuni showed him what has changed since his time. It was a lot for Sesshomaru to take in, but Yuni helped.

It had been a few weeks since Sesshomaru started working at her family's companies. Yuni noticed that he was surprisingly good at managing people. In her off time, she taught him new skills with technology and business. He was amazed at how much had changed over time. Goten was teaching him how to drive, which was something Yuni found remarkably amusing. He was beginning to feel at home in this era. Rin was doing well in school, and Jaken followed him as usual.

All in all, it felt like the pieces were lining up quite nicely. Yuni didn't know how to feel about it. The past two days, she had spent avoiding Sesshomaru. She could feel herself falling for him deeper and deeper. She learned about his siblings and his parents. Much to her surprise, she felt the same as he did about their status in their families. Yuni even managed to defeat the issues between him and Inuyasha. Now, she felt off and scared.

~Do I...love him?~ she thought while pacing through the garden while holding some flowers. Rin had asked her to come out and help her make flower crowns. Yuni liked having Rin around. She was like a little sister to her. It was the little things Rin found joy in that made Yuni feel even better. However, today was not one of those days. She kept trying to stay focused on Rin but kept thinking of Sesshomaru. It was as if she was under his spell.

"Yuni," Rin said, handing her some more flowers, "Is everything okay? You seem distracted."

Yuni patted Rin on the head and quickly finished a flower crown, "I'm alright. Just thinking, little Rin. Life is full of mysteries. Much like the seasons! We must hurry before Winter begins."

Rin nodded as Yuni placed the crown on her head, "Okay! I will! So, when will you marry Lord Sesshomaru?"

Rin nodded as Yuni placed the crown on her head, "Okay! I will! So, when will you marry Lord Sesshomaru?"

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"W-what?" Yuni coughed dropping the other flowers in her hand, "Um...I don't honestly have an answer for that, Rin. Sesshomaru and I still are...learning about each other. Besides, Sesshomaru and I will need to talk about it first."

"Alright. But I do hope you do!" Rin smiled and helped Yuni finish the last one, "I have never seen Lord Sesshomaru as happy as when he is with you. You are so special to him."

Yuni smiled as she knelt for Rin to place the crown on her head. Rin knew how to make everything better, even if she didn't know it. Now, Yuni had to think. When would she tell Sesshomaru that she loved him? Would he actually feel the same way? Could she indeed be in love? She and Rin walked inside where they saw Sesshomaru, Goten, and several other employees from one of the companies.

"It's Friday. Why are you guys still working?" Yuni said with her hand on Rin's shoulder.

"Rin," Sesshomaru said, "Go help Chie with dinner."

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