The halls were extra crowded today–on a Monday may I add. And it pisses the hell out of me.
I stayed extra late last night to finish a stupid English essay about this stupid ancient novel that doesn't even make sense.
Plus, Allison texted me earlier this morning saying that she wouldn't come to school today because she's sick.
Just great.
Just what I needed.
I sigh when I finally reach my locker, taking a few deep breaths. Walking through a crowd of lousy high school students isn't that easy.
I open my locker to take my Physics book. I put my backpack in and right when I'm about to grab the book, my locker shuts close. I jump in shock as I pull my hand back.
"What the?!" I gasp, looking up at who did it.
No shock, it was Dylan. He's leaning on one of the lockers beside mine, with a smirk plastered on his face. His outfit was typical; t-shirt, jeans, paired with our football's team varsity jacket.
"What was that?" I scold him, kicking his leg.
He chuckles. "Is that supposed to hurt?"
I fold my hands around my chest, glaring at him. I'm pretty sure that my face is completely red with anger right now.
But no, I'm not going to let his stupid face ruin my day.
Deep breaths...
Ice creams.
Dylan O'Brien.
I glare at him before walking away to the crowd of people, forgetting about my textbook. I take out my phone, seeing that I still have 15 minutes before first period. I'll just grab my textbook later.
I walk outside and sit in one of the benches. I always love the weather here, the sun is shining but there's the wind so it's not scorching hot.
"You forgot to take your book." Dylan's voice appears next to me. I look down at his hands that's holding my Physics book and back at his face.
"How did you get this from my locker?" I grab my Physics book from his hand.
"I saw you opening your locker and saw the code." He replies like it's a usual thing.
"You're such a creep," I say, standing up and so does he.
He smirks. "You owe me though."
"Owe you what?"
"We were supposed to meet last week, remember?" He rolls his eyes.
"Of course!" I say in a fake high-pitched voice. "I was busy doing some more important things than meeting up with you," I say before walking away.
"I'm not leaving you until you agree to meet me after school today." He pipes in beside me.
"No, I will not," I say looking at him right to the eye. "So just stay away from me."
"I'm not going anywhere." He says, whistling and wrapping his arm around my shoulders as we walk into the school building like it's an everyday thing. "You're a very salty person, you know that?"
I suddenly turn stiff at his actions but I shrug his arm off because I don't intend on feeding these people with fake rumors, too tired to deal with it anyway.
He keeps bugging me all the way down the hallway but I try to pretend like he's not there.
"I'm not leaving you." He says in a sing-song mocking voice.
I look at him and smirk. "But I'm leaving you," I say before walking into the girl's bathroom and slamming the door shut dramatically. I definitely deserve a high-five for that.
The day went by and all I wanted was to go home and sleep because I'm exhausted–well I did sleep in one, or two classes but that doesn't count.
One the last bell rings, I gather my stuff and put it in my backpack before heading out the door.
"Where do you think you're going, sunshine?" A voice says behind me as I walk out the door. I just ignore him and fast-walk through the hallway. I'm pretty sure that he's following me but the hallways are filling up so hopefully, he lost me already.
Why is he following me anyway? He's such a creep.
A hot creep though.
Anyway, I skip going to my locker because I didn't need to take anything from it. But mostly because there's a big chance of Dylan being there, so I just walk straight to my car.
I hum a tune of one of Girls by The 1975 because their songs were played on the radio earlier this morning when I was driving to school.
When I reach my car, I search through my bag for my car keys. It isn't there. I swear I put it in my bag. I search through my wallet, make-up bag, pencil case, everything basically but can't seem to find it.
I start to panic on thinking that somebody stole it earlier and is planning to take my car away. How am I going to get home?
"Looking for something, sunshine?"
I look up from my bag brushing the hair that is blocking my view out of my face in the process–my hair tie snapped earlier so I can't tie it up(which sucks).
And of course, it's Dylan. He's standing a few feet away from me, smirking. My eyes look down at his hand which has my car keys dangling in one of his fingers.
"How did you get that? Give it back!" I say, reaching out to grab it. He lifts his hand up so it's above my head. And of course, because Dylan is as tall as a flagpole, I am un-capable of reaching my keys.
"I took it after you left me this morning, it was in your bag which was in your locker. You know, in case you plan on running away." He says like it's a usual thing.
I fold my arms on my chest and raise a brow. "You realize that it's a stalker-ish thing to do, right?"
He shrugs. "Not if you're in a relationship, boyfriends, and girlfriends go to each other's locker, honey."
I swear I can feel the blush creeping to my cheeks. "Yeah, the difference is we are not girlfriends or boyfriends. Never was. Never will." I say in a firm voice.
"Aw you look so cute when you're playing tough." He pinches my cheek with his other hand, causing it to even heat up more.
I slap his hand away. "Just give me the keys please Dylan."
He shakes his head. "Not if you agree to go out with me because you completely bailed on me last week."
"Don't you have like half of the school population eagerly waiting to go out with you?"
"Yeah, but nah," He says. "So are you going or no?"
"Fine then, I'll bring these keys home with me." He says, shaking the keys in front of me before walking away.
I sigh, I seriously need to find a way to get him to stop bugging me. I really don't want to go, but I need my stupid key to drive my stupid car so I can come home.
I walk to where Dylan is, which isn't that far. "Fine. I'll go." I say with a grumpy face.
He grins. "Yay! That's the spirit!"
Hello peopleee! i've been missing for a while (no shocker lol) but anyways i really like this chap so i hope u do too!
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The Bad Boy's Heartbreaker
RomanceDylan McAdams is known as the 'bad boy' with dirty inuendos and leather jacket. With the messy hair, defined jaw and his signature smirk, girls throw themselves at him, boys want to be him. Little do they know, the bad boy has his own kryptonite. M...