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Rapunzels POV!

The dancing figures float in front of my eyes, their blue glow pouring over the forest floor. They whisper words that I can’t understand, but It still sends a cold shiver down my spine. I leap forward and pounce on one of the wispy creatures.”Gotcha!” I peek inside my cupped hands, but nothings inside. No lowing light. No sounds. Nothing. I’ve been trying for hours and I can’t catch one of these stupid things!

I continue to follow the figures, their voices grow louder with each step I take. I look down at the creatures and smile, “I didn’t realize how cute these things are!” I study the little ghostly figure, they’re so fascinating! I continue my journey and follow the figures for about another 20 minutes. “Are we almost there!”

The voices get louder and more enthusiastic, the figures sparkle and spin.They move forward and I walk a couple more steps. The figures slowly fade and i’m left in the forest alone. “What! That’s not how the story’s supposed to work!” I hear a crack somewhere in the distance, then a cheerful and calming voice.

“Talking to yourself isn’t healthy, you know.” A young boy with snow-white hair steps forward. I giggle and relax, “Uh, my names Rapunzel!” He sits down on a rock, a large stick in his hand. “My names Jack Frost.” He smiles and extends his hand, and I take it. His hand is cold, but comforting. “So, uh, Jack... How did you get here?”

He shrugs his shoulders, “I followed these weird blue thing!” I smile and twist a strand of my long golden hair, “I did too! Weren't they just adorable!” He scrunches up his eyebrows and shoots me a questioning glare. “Um, their more creepy than cute!” I roll my eyes and sit on the rock next to him.

“Where the heck are we anyways?”  He scans the area then shrugs his shoulders, “I have no clue.” All of a sudden theres another crack from the woods, making me stand up from my warm seat on the rock. “Who’s there?” A tangle of red hair peeks out of the bushes, “Who are ye?” A fiery redhead walks out of the wood with a bow in her hands, her eyes glued on us. I cross my hands over my chest, “I asked you first.”

She loosens her grip on the weapon and relaxes, “Ma name is Merida.” I grin and hold out my hand, just as Jack had done for me. “My name is Rapunzel!” Jack steps forward and holds out his hand, “My names Jack Frost!” Merida smiles and shakes our hands, “Where are ye all from?” I open my mouth to speak, but realize that Merida isn’t paying attention. Her gaze is locked on my long hair, “Oh, yeah. My hair is quite fascinating!” I giggle and stick out my tongue.

“Ye got that right!” I smile and walk back to my spot on the rock, as soon as I reach the rock i’m pushed backwards into Jack. In Front of me stands a large..... Dragon? What type of twisted place is this! Dragons aren't real! I tilt my head and the dragon mimics my movement. “Aww you’re kinda cute!” I reach up and touch his muzzle, which is surprisingly soft. A face pops out between the dragons ears, making a scream escape from my mouth. “Oops I didn’t mean to frighten you!” I smile and nod my head, “It’s alright, i’m just easily scared!” I stand up and brush the dirt off my butt. “So uh, what's your name!” He scratches his head and grins sheepishly, “Hiccup.” I grin and reach out my hand, “Well that's a unique name!”

I wait for the others to greet the Hiccup, but no one steps forward. Merida is too busy searching the area, and Jack is just staring at us like we’re freaks. What is wrong with him! “Uh, you alright there Frost?” He lifts up his eyebrow and starts waving his hands frantically. “Wait! You can see me!?” Now it’s my turn to be confused, “Why wouldn’t we be able to see you?”  He stops waving his hands and a lonesome expression crosses his face. “It’s just that, uh, nevermind.” His voice fades and he looks down at the ground.

I walk over to him and put a hand on his shoulder. “Are you okay?” He nods his head yes , but his eyes tell me another story. I suddenly notice how beautiful his eyes are, i’ve never seen eyes that blue. He looks up and our gaze meet for a split second, I quickly turn my head and walk back to the rock.

“Okay we need to figure out where the heck we are! I need to get out of here!” Merida looks up and walks towards me. The others follow her and we all sit together. Hiccup speaks up and looks at all of us, “I think we should stay together. Were all in the same situation so why not, sounds like a good plan.”

I smile and nod my head, “That does sound like a good plan, but you guys have to promise that we’ll stick together till we get out of this stupid forest!” They all nod their heads and Jack gives me a thumbs up. This time it’s Merida who speaks up, “So we’ll be like a team? If we’re a team then we need a team name!”

I giggle, “Okay Merida, what sould out team name be?” She bites her lip and looks up at the sky, “Umm, how about. The Braves!” Jack scrunches up his face, “It needs to be longer. What about, Rise of the Guardian?” I shake my head, “What are we the guardians of!?” He rolls his eyes and pouts, his pale arms crossed over his chest. Hiccup jumps up and down and shouts an answer, “The Dragons!”

I giggle and shake my head, “I have the perfect name! Tangled! It makes sense, the situation we’re in is twisted and complicated. Like a tangle in your hair!” Everyone laughs and rolls their eyes. I thought It was good! Merida calms everyone down and starts to speak, “Okay since ye all can't pick a bloody name, i’ll have to pick one for ye!” We all look at her and wait for her idea, “How about, Rise of the Brave Tangled Dragons! It’s a mix of all of the names!”

I clap and give Merida a high five, “I like it!” Everyone nods and wide smiles spread across our faces. “Okay everyone, put your hands in.” We pile our hands together and look each other in the eyes. “Ye ready!” We all count in unison, “One. Two . Three. Four. Five.” We smile and look at eachother.


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