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Blaire's pov♥♥♥

Oli left the room and jai and I were left alone.
He was kinda cute but I don't want to be the rebound girl.
"So jai ahh do you wanna read oli a story with me?" I asked trying not to sound to persistent.
He nodded and stood up from his chair at the end of the table.

I grabbed his arm and pulled him up the stairs to the bathroom, where oli was taking a bath.
"Hey oli can we come in?" I called out whilst knocking on the door.
"Yeah!" He yelled back in his little voice.

I opened the door and saw him in the bath with bubbles covering the water.
All of a sudden a hear a voice from behind me.
"Ahh, should I come in? Coz I don't wanna-" jai started but I cut him off by putting my finger over his mouth and shushing him.


(After the bath)

Oli was dressed in his Thomas the tank engine pj's and had picked the story, Thomas and the other engines.

"Can jai read me this story peas bear bear?" Oli begged me.
I looked over at jai who had the story book in his hands and was ready to read.
God he is cute!
No no no no no! He has just ended a relationship with a lesbian!
"Okay, once upon a time, there was an blue engine named Thomas..." Jai started to read to oli as he played in his now set up bed in his room full of boxes that hadn't been unpacked yet.

"Jai, I think he is asleep" I whispered to the boy who had been reading for the past fifteen minutes.
He turned to me and looked me in the eyes.
"Come on man! You know you wanna kiss her!" Oli whispered poking jai in the shoulder.
"Oli! You can't jus-" I was cut off by Jai's pink and plump lips smashing into my not so attractive lips.
I slowly kissed back but not wanting to kiss him in front of oli who had climbed under his covers.

I pulled back and smiled, where as he just looked away.
Yeah okay rude!
"Oli? You okay?" I asked whilst climbing onto his bed next to him.
He didn't reply.
"Oliver Lucas Irwin?" I asked again but this time tickling him.
He started to giggle and squirm around under his blankets.
(Look at his name!! Oli)
"Good night my little oli worm" I said kissing him on the cheek and covering him up with his blankets.
"Goodnight bear bear good night jai" oli whispered turning over to face the door where jai was sitting.

"Goodnight oli, sleep tight buddy" jai whispered to oli and mucked up his hair.
We walked out of his room and were greeted by Ashton.
"So oli seems to like you now umm jai that is your name right? Well any way hurt my sister and you won't hear the end of it." Ashton announced then walked away leaving jai and I in the hallway.

"Sorry, I don't know why everyone keeps saying that" I spoke to jai who was in shock from Ashton's speech.
"Do you want me to call you a cab?" I asked in a whisper and looking at my feet.
"Nah, I only live around the corner, but I better get going I have to go now but it was nice to talk about what happened with a friend" he answered back.
I nodded and led him to the front door.
"Hey tell oli I said bye Kay? Oh and you look very pretty" jai announced walking out of the gate and waving.

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