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Four months later....

Blaire pov!

Last week mum told us that we were going to Melbourne, we had no choice it was either be put in foster care or move away from my father.

Ashton and Oliver werent really angry they were more upset and miserable.

Me. I was horrified! I did not wt to move away from my friends, my school my everything.

What was worse than moving was that I'm not a social person that everybody just wants to snatch up and be best friends with.

I'm more bad, more skater, hate shopping unless it's for food and movies and books.

I love being by myself, I love being in trouble it makes me feel wanted like some one actually cares.

I have an obsession with jersey shore, I think its because I look up to pauly D or maybe because I have a massive crush on him and Vinny.

When mum told us we were moving I took off for three days.

When I was gone I got into some trouble and ended up in jail, which my mum had to bail me out of.

She was pissed right off!

My alarm went off so I looked up at it.

It read nine a.m

Oh my god Ashton stop messing with my alarms!!!

I hit the snooze button and dragged myself out of bed, dragging the bedding things with me.

I stumbled into the bathroom with my clothes for today.

Which contained a pair of ripped balck skinny jeans, a black tank top with a navy blue hoodie over top.

I turned the water in the shower on and stripped my clothes off of me.

I through my clothes across the bathroom tiles and they landed in the corner.

I washed my hair and body then rinsed it all out.

When I was dressed, I decided on putting no make up on as I was not going anywhere because I was A. Grounded B. If I didn't pack my things would be left behind and C. I just couldn't be bothered to go anywhere.

As I walked into my bedroom, my mother called ash, oli and i.

"I'm coming!" I groaned and stumbled down the small flight of stairs to the kitchen.

"Yeah, what do ya want?" I asked not being very polite.

Mum explained how we were moving to Melbourne because her old friends were there and it would be better to have a fresh start with the police and people.

Us kids all disagreed though, like who likes moving schools and houses?
And who likes packing?

Hey guys!
If there is anyone out there reading this story I would appreciate it if you comment, vote and share this story.
And if you have time you should follow me!
Like please!!!
Anyway love yas and enjoy.

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