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Blaire's pov•••

"Jai I think we should get going cause if we stay any longer your girl friend is going to get angry at not only you but us as well" said the boy who looked exactly like jai damn twins.
"Well it was nice meeting you Blaire maybe we could catch up some other time aye?" Jai said nudging me in the arm with his elbow.
Waking me out of my little day dream.
"Oh ah yea sure ah why not um yeah cool well ahh yeah sorry I was just thinking so yeah" I stuttered and murmured.

"Blaire? You out here?- oh I see you are already the towns slut hahaha guess its gonna be sydeny all over again where you get into trouble with the police dad finds us and we move to china or something isn't it?" Ashton said leaning against the wooden door frame.
"Well we are gonna go ahh seeya Blaire" the twin said again.

"Okay that'll give me a chance to kill me fucked up brother ahh so ummm Ashton I'm going to slit your throat!" I screamed chasing after him.


Jai's pov♦♦♦

Before looking for lala

When I saw her I instantly fell in love. Her long brown hair, her slightly tanned skin and her chocolate brown eyes.
Arianna was perfect she could sing, she could make me smile she could make me laugh.

"Babe? I can't find lala any where I think she might have gone walk abouts" arianna said wrapping her arms around my waist.
"Let me guess my baby girl wants me to find lala?" I said kissing her fore head.
"Please?" She spoke giving me the puppy dog eyes.
I nodded and gave her a quick peck on the lips.
She unwrapped her arms and walked off some where, where as I was off to find the guys.
"Luke, beau, James and Daniel we have to go find lala again she is missing!" I yelled out.
"We are coming James shouted back.


We started walking and looking around for the missing dog.
" jai why do you even like arianna? She is just using you and you know that don't you?" Luke said and all of the guys agreed with him.

"No she isn't she loves me and I love her so just but out of our relationship Luke!" I yelled walking away from the guys.
There was a girl coming out of her gate.
They must have just moved from somewhere out of town because that house had been empty for like well ever but no one knows why.
I walked over to her she had long hair, which was black with blond tips and a few brown streaks.

She grabbed a box and shut the door of her car.
" hello, have you seen a black dog at all today?" I asked and as she turned around to face me she didn't say anything instead she walked into her yard.
Wow this girl is just so rude!
Maybe she is deaf or isn't able to speak?
She looked back at me then said "is that your balck dog?" I nodded and followed her to her porch where lala was laying.

"Oh my god yeah that's our dog" I answered rubbing lala's belly.
I heard the girl mumble something like "well I guess we aren't moving back to sydeny"
"Your from sydeny aye? Well welcome to Melbourne it is so much colder here then there don't ya think?" I asked really just wanting to kiss her but I already had a girlfriend so she would just be the girl I randomly met and stole my dog.

She answered slowly "Yeah I guess it's a little colder down here then up there. Ahh my name is Blaire btw"
Wow she says BTW, that's so fucking weird.
" cool name mines jai and this is my friends and i's dog lala" i answered sitting next to her on the first step.
All of a sudden the other boys were in front of us.
"Hey jai who is your new friend?" James asked pointing to Blaire.

" Blaire do you have my car keys I'm going to go see my old friend Gina" her mum called out to her.
"Ahhhhhhhhh no I um don't but I'm pretty sure you left them in the kitchen or ahh the bathroom!" She answered she had the keys in her hand though? She was such a trouble maker, but why?

She rattled her keys.
" mum ash has them!" She yelled out to her mum again.
"But they are in your hands?" I said a little confused.

"Blaire if you have my keys your grounded for a month! And it's an actual grounding not like in sydeny where you snuck out the windows and went missing for days at a time!" Blaire's mum yelled walking out side.

She handed her mum the keys and said "mum Ashton ran out side and gave them to me"
She then said "you guys better not be trouble makers cause this gal here is trouble enough."
I looked over at Blaire and smiled.
Her mum walked down the stairs "I'll be back later look after oli and the trucks will be here in about an hour so could you get you motor bikes, clothes, boards, DJ equipment and computers and pretty much all of your things and help oli with his okay?"

"What about Corey's things do I take them out or-" she asked a tear rolled down her face which was quickly wiped by her hand.
Her mum nodded and walked to her car and in seconds was gone.


"Babe i'm home! I called out but there was no reply instead there was a moan.
I followed the moans and squeaks until it lead to the spare room.
" arianna please hurry up and c$m for me" an unknown voice said.
I pushed the door open to find arianna and...

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