Ch. 1

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The room became deadly silent at the annoying buzz buzz buzz of a cell phone in someone's pocket, the teacher stopped mid-sentence and was shooting lasers around the classroom trying to pin point the culprit. No one dared move to shut the phone up for fear of the teacher's wrath.

"Who didn't turn off their phone?" Professor Parks asked in a deadly calm voice as he scans each student, waiting for a twitch or a sign of the culprit. I don't think I have ever seen this class so still before, not even when Clarissa had been caught cheating and was reduced to tears.

The cell phone finally stopped vibrating but the silence remained as Professor Parks was still having a stare down with each and every student in the classroom.

"Whoever you are, you now have five seconds from the moment I turn my back to shut off your cell phone." With that he turned his back to the class and counted out loud.

"One!" he shouted. The class was quickly turning every which way to try and find out who was stupid enough to forget their phone on in this class.

"Two!" I could see multiple people pulling out their phones and quickly turning them off, or checking to make sure theirs is off.

"Three! I am half way there." Professor Parks reminded everyone.

"Four!" I just sat back relaxed in my chair as everyone scrambled to put their phones away.

"Five!" Professor Parks spun around and caught about half the class still scrambling, he had a satisfied smile on his face until his gaze landed on me. I'm not saying that I cause trouble but all the teachers know me well enough because I tend to act up when I get bored.

He raises his eyebrow in question to my smug smirk and I just send a wink in his direction causing him to smile and shake his head. Professor Parks and I have an understanding, he tries to challenge me so I don't act out and I try to respect him as a teacher and an elder.

"Ok now because of that fun little moment you all have a pop quiz on chapters twenty two, twenty three and twenty five tomorrow. It will take the full two hours of class so I hope no one has Friday night plans to get out of class early." Everyone groaned at the news because this was the Friday before summer break.

The bell rang dismissing classes for the end of the day as everyone gathered their stuff and ran as fast as possible out of that classroom. I hung behind to avoid getting trampled in the stampede of students, as a third year taking an apprenticeship program as well I have learned to avoid large crowds.

Shauna sat in front of me, slowly putting her books back into her bag procrastinating as much as I was. She turned around with a large smile on her face.

"So are we going to get together and study tonight?" she asked as she popped a piece of gum in her mouth and applied a layer of her lilac purple lipstick. I grinned back at my crazy best friend knowing that her version of studying is cleaning out my fridge of all the baked goodies and anything else that is edible then laying on the couch watching movies until she passes out.

"You mean to ask do I have any baking or cooking you can gorge out on then pass out while I study?" I question her as I zip up my bag. She grins and nods her head eagerly.

How Shauna manages to look as good as she does is beyond me, she must have a superb metabolism. She is medium height, around five foot seven, her hair is naturally black and cropped into a bob that looks adorable one her. She has a very proportional body with curves in all the right places, she is a dancer so her form is everything to her. Her eyes look like they have stars glowing mixed in with the deep blue gray color, she even has a light dusting of freckles across her nose.

"Well yeah, I've only been doing this the last three years of finishing school." She makes a duh face as she stands up and starts walking out the now quiet door. I started after her smiling yet shaking my head at her foolishness.

"Yeah I just did some baking last night as well as I made a lasagna that we can warm up for supper, sound good?" I fall into step beside her as I sling my backpack over my shoulder.

"Good because I am starving, it's been like two hours since I last ate." She dramatically clutched her stomach and bent over as if in pain. My over dramatic bottomless pit of a best friend wailed quite loudly as we left the front doors of the collage.

"If you stop your banshee wailing I will give you a piece of cheese cake that I brought for lunch." I smiled as she immediately straightened up and quit making that unholy noise. I giggled to myself and pulled out the container with the raspberry cheese cake I made last night when I couldn't sleep.

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