Ch. 20

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Shauna had her eyes closed tightly as leaned against the closed and locked door, her breathing was labored, she had a smear of blood across her neck and I could clearly see the tear stains that were running down her cheeks.

My body tensed at the amount of the noise she had just made, I closed my eyes and my body froze in place. I really really hoped that Demetrious didn't wake up, but of course we wouldn't be that lucky.

"What the hell is going on here!" his deep voice reverberated around the room.

"Oh shit." Shauna squeaked as her eyes flew open and she tried to unlock the door and run, she managed to open the door but Demetrious was quick. Without thinking I threw myself in Demetrious's path and his large body crashed into my smaller frame.

I braced my self for impact between the floor and the mountain of a man but it never came. Mid fall Demetrious wrapped me in his arms and took the brunt force of the fall. I landed safely in his arms while he hit the floor.

Shauna didn't make it very far out the door before Donovan brought her back in, he was strapping the same collar around her neck. He let go of her then looked at me and Demetrious and laughed.

"Tripped up by the little witches Demetrious?" Donovan was teasing him as he casually wandered into the room and sat down in the middle of the couch.

"Dam troublesome witch tripped me up as I was going to grab the other one." Demetrious gruffly responded as he quickly pushed me off him, I scrambled to my feet and away from him, scared that he would attack or something.

"Now Miss Brazen please come here so we can discuss things." Donovan smiled deviously as he patted the spot next to him on the couch. I looked from him to Shauna who was curled up in the nearest corner, scared out of her mind.

Ignoring Donovan I went over to Shauna and squatted down next to her, I pulled her into my arms and gave her a reassuring hug.

"What happened Lauren? Where are we? What is going on?" we were both so confused and scared my heart broke seeing my best friend in this type of situation.

"Come sit, everything will be explained. Trust me we are okay." she nodded her head but didn't move, so I helped her up, kept her in my arms and walked over to the chair where I sat her down. She was shaking like a leaf and wouldn't let go of my hand.

With no other option I sat beside Donovan so I could still hold Shauna's hand, i'm sure it didn't help that Demetrious was standing next to the chair like he did when I was sitting there.

"Now you Miss Brazen are bait. I need Alpha Beau to recklessly charge into my territory to save your precious neck so I can exact my revenge. You don't need to know details but just know this, as the filthy mutt is on his death bed his final moments will be spent watching me suck you dry and turn you into my pet. Then once that is taken care of you and I will go back to your lovely coven and kill everyone that had anything to do with my sisters death. How does that sound?" I was speechless. I didn't know what to think, it was Shauna that spoke first.

"What kind of sick twisted bastard are you? I mean who does any of that for the sake of revenge?" Shauna looked disgusted, she let go of my hand and covered her mouth as if she was ready to throw up.

"Yes well witch, to each their own, if you only knew what the reasoning behind this revenge is maybe you would have an inkling of and idea of how I feel. Demetrious watch that witch, Lauren you are coming with me." before I could even comprehend what he had said Donovan grabbed my hand and pulled me up, across the room and out the door.

"Let go of me, you disgust me." I struggled to get out of his iron grip as he led me back up the stairs to the main deck of the ship. The salty sea air reached my nose as we stepped up on deck, the wind blew my hair into my face.

Before I could even brush it out of my eyes Donovan pushed my body up against a wall, his body pressed up against mine from head to toe. His face was buried in my neck as he peppered my neck in little kisses. He worked his lips from just under my ear, down my neck, onto my shoulder, across my collar bone and back up the other side. When he reached the other ear he whispered to me.

"I am not a bad man Lauren, I promise you this. Please do not make me out to be such a bad guy. I want you to ask to be mine, I want you willing to be mine. Help me ruin that filthy mutt and I will give you anything and everything a beautiful woman like you deserves." he gently whispered in my ear as his hands went around my waist and grabbed my ass.

Before I could make any noise his mouth covered mine in a searing kiss, his tongue parted my lips forcefully and explored my mouth. It was as if my body wasn't my own any more and with the prompt of his hands squeezing my butt my legs wrapped around his waist.

He took advantage of our new position and pressed our bodies even closer together, not leaving any room between us at all. My hands are around his neck, my legs around his waist, our lips are in sync as if we were the ones fated to be together. I could feel a stir in my body as I enjoyed the kiss more then I know I should.

Donovan nipped at my lips then kissed them passionately again, drawing a moan from me. The stinging sensation followed by his lips was such a turn on. After a few moments he pulled away, but didn't let me go. He smiled as our breaths mingled with how close his face was to mine.

"I want you Lauren, do you want me? Don't lie either." his seductive velvety voice wrapped around me prompting me to answer not of my own free will.

"Yes I want you to Donovan. Make me yours." as soon as my answer reached his ears Donovan smiled like he had won the lottery and pressed his lips against mine again and again. I didn't know what was happening but I sure the hell didn't like the idea of what will happen next.

**** I really hope you all are enjoying this story. I know lots of people remain ghost readers and I may not be one of the most popular writers on here but I do appreciate any and all votes comments or criticism! A big thank you to Gnome84 and Jenjen79 for each and every vote you leave and comment! It helps me write more and keep posting the chapters for you and everyone else to read!! Appreciate the love from both of you!!****

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