Ch. 24

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**** Thank you all for the VOTES! To those silent readers, if you like it show me the love lol and I hope everyone enjoys the next chapter!!****

Something woke me up from a dead sleep, I am not sure what it was tho. I lay awake looking around the pitch black room. I can feel the gentle rocking of the boat as I lay in bed, listening to my surroundings.

A quiet tapping noise then reaches my ears, I strain my ears to hear it but it is definitely a tapping noise. I slowly get out of bed and head towards the door, pressing my ear against the door I can hear the scratching even louder. It seems to be coming from the other side of the door.

I slowly open the door to see Shauna squatted down with something as she scratches the door, she smiles when she sees that I am awake. I open my mouth to speak when Demetrious's large hand covers my mouth and he puts a finger up to his mouth in a shush gesture. I nod my head and his hand leaves my mouth.

That moment Shauna puts a note in my hand, it reads:

'We need to get out of here, Demetrious is part of Beau's pack. He is going to help us escape. Be quiet as you can, we are going to sneak off with one of the small row boats.'

I smiled and nodded my head, my heart hurt at the thought of leaving Donovan but at the same time I couldn't wait to be with Beau. Demetrious takes the note and stuffs it into his pants pocket and we started to sneak sneak off towards the door that leads to the deck.

We sneak out and under the view of the captains booth and to the back of the boat. Demetrious sets all the emergency rafts free floating from the ship before lowering the last one for us. We row towards shore, and hope our escape was not noticed.

After we were a fair way from the ship Shauna whispered to me what happened and how they came up with a plan.

"Ok I will fill you in now, by the way thank you for getting me out of the cells they were horribly gross. Any ways, when I was taken to shower and stuff Demetrious had me shower and change first then as we ate he admitted he was apart of Beau's pack. He was kinda undercover with Donovan just in case you were kidnapped." I smile at Demetrious who is focused on rowing and watching our surroundings.

"Once he admitted that and I quit hitting him we came up with an escape plan, he knew we wouldn't be far from shore and he knows where Beau and the rest of the pack are hiding out before attacking Donovan's place. So we made our escape plan while Donovan was romancing you. Speaking of how are you handling things?" She looked really concerned. I sighed because I know there is no hiding things from her.

"I am mixed up, confused and unsure of things any more Shauna. I don't know how to feel, I admit I am sad to be away from Donovan but at the same time I can't wait to see Beau. But with this stupid collar I can't feel the bond so my feelings for both are purely formed as a human. I have heard stories where a pure bond can over power the bond with your other half and I am scared." tears welled up in my eyes as I thought of the situation and how confused I am.

"Demetrious can you remove Lauren's collar thing with the key that removed mine?" Shauna asked the hulking man.

"No, Donovan kept the key to her's on him at all times. They have specially made keys that are computerized to recognize each device. We will have to remove it as soon as possible otherwise Donovan can find our location with that thing." I think that is the most I have heard him speak until now.

"Shit. Well hopefully we can get it off soon. Once the collar is off and your bond with Beau can strengthen, smashing the bond with Donovan in the dust." Shauna sounded so sure, but in my heart at this moment I wasn't so sure.

"Over there, you see the light of their camp fire back in the brush. We will pull the boat on shore over there and walk in." Demetrious pointed out a faint glow farther away then what Shauna or I could see clearly.

Once the boat was up on shore we got out and started walking towards the faint light, before to much longer we came across a guard in human form and one in wolf form.

"Who are you?" the man called out, I could hear rustling in the bushes, which I could only assume were more wolves.

"It's me, Demetrious. I have brought Alpha Beau and Beta Marco's mates back." instantly the wolves all curiously come out of the brush, they were surrounding us. Everyone wanted a glimpse of their soon to be Alpha and Beta female.

"This way." the man called out and walked the other direction, we had to walk fast to catch up. It was hard to walk through the brush, many times did the brush trip me up. I always managed to stay on my feet though, but Shauna on the other hand kept tripping and either falling or I would catch her.

We walked clear to the other side where there was a little cove with fresh water, a nice clean beach and a whole large group of people sitting around multiple fires. In the middle of them all were two tents and inside the tents were Beau and Marco.

"Alpha! Beta! Demetrious claims to have your mates." their heads shot up from whatever they were doing and instantly they were both over to us. Marco scooped Shauna up into her arms and kissed her deeply and passionately.

Beau came up to me cautiously as he could not feel the bond either. He took my hand as he recognized me but from being with Donovan my scent has changed slightly.

"What happened to you trouble?" he asked as he carefully took me into his arms. I broke down crying and wrapped my arms around his neck, squeezing as if I were scared he would disappear.

"Donovan drank from me, used his mind control to force the start of a bond between us, he touched me sexually, and with this collar it blocks our bond and my magic." by now my knees have gave out, Beau is supporting me, and I am full out crying.

Beau's grip was tight, but not crushing tight and I could feel is whole body shake. He was mad and I could tell there was no predicting what he did next.

"The bastard is dead. I am going to mutilate him slowly and let him watch as I slice off each of his limbs. That leach is going to learn you don't touch what is MINE! I am going to torture that son of a bitch slowly and leave him near death for days of suffering..." I pulled his face up and pressed my lips against his in an attempt to not only calm him down but to stop him from telling me what he is going to do.

His lips eagerly met mine in a passionate kiss, his strong tan arms holding my body up against his. Our tongue's battle between our mouths as our breath mingles, his hands are holding my body up by my thighs and my arms are wrapped around him as my fingers find their way into his hair.

When we pull apart we are both breathing heavily, the look on his face is pure determination. He moves his head away from mine and yells at his troops.

"We will take down Donovan no matter what! That bastard has done things to MY MATE that no one should ever do to a woman!" we could hear growls from the wolves and the men gasped. Beau didn't quit there.

"I want his head torn off and sent off into the bottom of the ocean to become fish food." he growled out. I laid my head down onto his chest and closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of being in his arms. A part of me missed Beau but another part of me wanted to go back and be in Donovan's arms

"It's late trouble, come on lets get you to bed. But first can we scrub you free from the vamps scent?" I nodded my head still sleepy as Beau took me to the lake front, stripped myself and himself nude and waded into the water.

He dunked us both and used the dirt and mud on the bottom of the lake to wash my body clean, kind of like a cheap exfoliation. After coming out he quickly wrapped my body in a blanket, threw on his shorts and carried me back to the fire.

"I promise you trouble, I will always take care of you." with those sweet words he gave me a quick kiss as we cuddled next to the fire until I fell asleep in the arms of my other half.

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