Ch. 5

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I had another dream about my other half, but this one was Europhobic. Instead of him leaving out the window he pounced on top of me and had his way with me. My body was humming, my panties were wet, and I am sure I moaned in my sleep because when I woke up Shauna was staring at me wide eyed.

"You just had sex in your dreams didn't you?" she asked pointing a finger at me as she accuses me of doing the dirty.

"Maybe." I blushed fiercely as I tried to hide my face from her gaze.

"Oh my god, you did! You filthy whore, tell me, tell me, tell me, tell me! I need details!" she cried out scaring the crap out of me as she bounces on my bed. I sit quiet for a moment debating if I tell her, she will freak but I know she will keep my secret.

"Ok but you have to swear on your love of cookie dough that you won't tell a soul what I'm about to tell you." Shauna rubs her hands together thinking she is going to hear about some freaky crush or something that I have.

"I swear on my love of cookie dough that I will not tell a soul what you are about to say." She repeated holding up her right hand. The air became charged as her hand sparkled with her oath to me, once everything settled down I turned towards her and filled her in.

"I met my other half, and I was right he is a werewolf. He snuck into my room this morning and surprised me, then before you made your way into bed he told me to meet him Saturday at Amego's in Maryland. He said he is willing to fight for me and if I don't show he is going to hunt me down and kidnap me. He was stunningly handsome, strong facial features striking honey brown eyes, shaggy light brown hair, he was toned and muscular and definitely strong because he picked me up like I didn't weigh a thing. I dreamt that instead of him leaving he took me multiple times." I blushed profusely as I looked down to my hands.

I peeked up to see Shauna with her jaw dropped, staring at me like I was some foreign creature she has never seen before. I sat for a couple minutes waiting for her to break out of her shocked state when all of a sudden she screamed. I dam near jumped out of my own skin at the sound of her scream.

"Oh lawdy woman! Are you shitting me? I am so happy that you met your other half already! I'm so jealous. We absolutely have to go Saturday now, I am getting you all dolled up and you are going to knock his effin socks off!" she jumped up and started pacing as she had a mini freak out.

"Shauna." I called her name in attempt to calm her down but she ignored me, so I called louder. "Shauna!" and she still paced around mumbling to herself. I tried one final time and just hollered as loud as I could, "SHAUNA!!" she finally paused mid step.

"What?" she asked innocently as if she wasn't freaking out two minutes ago. I look down at my floor feeling scared, stupid and insecure.

"What is going to happen between us? I mean I want to be with my other half but my family would hate me. There will be a fight for me and my other half does not look the type to lose easily. I don't want people to die over me. But I also don't want to lose my family." I felt the first tear fall as it ran down my cheek followed by another and another until I was crying.

"Awe Hun, it's okay, we can figure something out, and we do have a whole week right?" Shauna stopped her excited pacing and dropped down on the bed beside me, pulling me into a hug. My best friend who is more like a sister to me then a friend has always known how to cheer me up.

"Come on Hun, we are going to skip the remainder of school and go get some special coffee's from Mel's place. It's my treat." With that she gripped my arm and hauled me up and shoved me into the bathroom and closed the door. I stripped and hopped in the shower to freshen up, half way into my shower I heard the door open and Shauna's voice floated over the shower curtain.

"Clothes are on the sink, I will meet you in the living room." With that she was gone. I didn't want to be alone with my thoughts so I quickly scrubbed and got out. Dried off and just left my hair down as I dressed.

Once we were out of the apartment I realized it was another beautiful sunny day, even if I don't feel happy, Shauna and I make small talk as we walk down to the edge of the coven. I decide that I want to sit out back on the patio while we have coffee just to gaze out into the forest that surrounds the area.

We stop inside and order our coffees and I head outside to find a table while Shauna waits for our order. I pick the table closest to the trees just because I have always felt connected to the earth, it calms me and helps me think. I guess I know why that is now, because I am a werewolf's other half. I take a deep breath of the forest scent into my lungs and instantly relax into my seat.

As I sit there in silence, waiting for Shauna to come with our coffees, I have the strange sensation that I am being watched. I scan the patio and no one else is out here, I scan the bush line and I can't see anyone there either. I shiver but it isn't caused by a chill, it is a pleasurable chill, the same sensation when my other half was wrapped around me in bed this morning.

I smile thinking that he is watching over me, even when he could be found out and killed on the spot. No I wouldn't allow that to happen even if it meant going through my family. Shauna appears out of no were and sets down my coffee.

"Ok so what are we going to do about this whole messed up situation?" she was straight to the point. No beating around the bush, no pussy footing, just direct and straight to the point. I took another gaze into the forest, taking in my surroundings.

"I don't know Shauna, but I am already hooked on this total stranger. I mean I don't even know his bloody name and I allowed him in my bed to friggin cuddle! Like if this is what it will be like without the bond I'm scared to see how I am going to feel with the bond. I don't want to leave my family but to be with him I have to. My family isn't going to take kindly to this either. I mean what options do I even have?" I felt the tears starting to well up in my eyes as a few leak over, a twig snapping in the bush caught both of our attention.

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