Ch 33

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"Where do you want to eat my love?" Donovan asked as we aimlessly drove around. There was still an hour or so before we were set to take off, Donovan had packed all my new clothes and other items he bought me in a new suitcase and had packed himself one before we left.

"I'm hungry so anywhere is fine with me. Why don't we just get a sandwich and coffee from the coffee shop on the edge of town?" I suggest something simple and quick.

"That sounds wonderful darling." he kissed the back of my and and turned around to head back towards the outskirts of town. I was excited to find out where we are going, Donovan won't tell me, the only hint he has given me is that I will love it.

We make our way to the small cafe and I can't help but feel a bit uneasy for some reason, maybe its just my nerves because I have never been on a plane before, let alone a private jet, so I brush it off.

We pull up and park out front, the soft glow of the cafe in the dim evening glow looks so peaceful. Before I can get my door open Donovan rushes around and opens it for me. Smiling like a fool I take his hand and thank him.

That must not have been good enough for him as he pulls me by the hand so I spin around and crash into his chest, his lips quickly claim mine and right away our kiss heats up. Ever since I accepted my feelings for him our kisses heat up quicker then usual, he pulls away and smiles at me.

"You are beautiful, amazing, and perfect. I want to be with you forever, I know you need time to think this over but I want to marry you and take you as my life bride." I gasp at that, a life bride to a vampire means he wants to change me into a vampire and we will be bonded by blood, so if he dies I would die.

I was so shocked I didn't know what to say or think. I stared into his amazing eyes and seeing them full of love and hope for the future makes my heart thump hard in my chest, I don't need time to think of it I know how I feel and I know I love him with all of my heart.

"Yes I want to be with you. I want you to make me your life bride." I jumped into his arms and wrapped my legs around his waist kissing him senseless. The emotions and feelings were just swarming around me, making me feel almost dizzy.

"I love you Lauren, more then the sun and the moon. More then life its self." Donovan whispered as he rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you to Donovan, I was confused at first with the loss of the mate bond but you have replaced that bond and I have never been happier. I love you with all my being." we kissed again but Donovan pulled away.

"Someone has been following us and they are currently sitting over there watching us. I noticed them since we left work. They were even following us around at the mall, I have been trying to act like I haven't noticed them but they are getting closer and closer. I am not liking this. Can you wait until we are on the plane to eat?" he quietly asked looking me in the eyes.

"Yeah I can wait, lets go." I leaned up on my toes and gave him a kiss on the cheek and whispered into his ear, "I have a bad feeling, I thought it was nerves at first but now I know its not. Be careful." I pulled back and smiled at him again. Donovan leans over and opens my door again as a couple walks out of the restaurant, immediately I recognize them from the coven and tell Donovan to get in quickly.

Moving at vampire speed Donovan rushes around the car and gets in the driver side and rushes away from the curb. The tires are squealing as we peel away from the curb, the couple runs across the street yelling something to someone in the vehicle Donovan said was following us.

"Its my coven that is after us!" I yell at Donovan, who is white knuckled on the steering wheel trying to maneuver through traffic. "She lied to me." I whispered more to myself as the car jerks left and right around other vehicles. I felt betrayed by my best friend, we were more like sisters then best friends and she threw me under the bus.

"Don't cry my love we will get out of this." I felt Donovan put his hand on mine and give it a comforting squeeze, I hadn't even realized I was crying. I felt the car slow down a bit and I panicked, looking in front of us I seen that there was an accident which put traffic down to one lane.

"Shit, hold on darling." Donovan spun the car around, narrowly missing the car that has been chasing us and I noticed they were chanting something. I let out a curse because they were going to cast some kind of spell.

"Get out of the city and open this beast up! They are trying to use magic to slow us down." now it was Donovan's time to curse, he took a few tight back alleys, narrowly missing garbage cans, the drivers side mirror on the door was ripped off at one point, my side of the car is all scratched up and I can see sparks fly behind us as we fly out into an empty side road.

Donovan takes the car down some dirt road and over some hills trying to get away, once we hit the highway again he stops the pedal down to the floor, the car threw me back into the seat and with very little spinning the tires makes a connection and we were gone.

The car in the rear view mirror slowly got smaller and smaller as we used the mustang speed to get away. I sighed in relief when suddenly I feel all my breath get knocked out of me, my head starts to pound and all I see is a bright white light.

I can hear noises like they are far off in the distance and in slow motion, I hear tires squealing, glass breaking, metal crunching under a strong force, I can faintly feel pain all over my body yet I'm still floating.

I can hear Donovan calling for me, other people yelling, some women calling my name, yet nothing I do makes the voices closer. I try to call out to Donovan, I think I said his name. I hear a woman calling me by my actual name, her voice it sounds familiar.

I don't know what is happening but I want Donovan, so I try calling his name. I hear my own voice call out his name but it sounds so far away and scratchy. I can't fight the drowning feeling, its getting harder and harder to breathe and I don't know what to do.

I try to move but I can't, I try to talk but I can't, I am listening to see if I can hear Donovan or what is happening but its all gone silent now. I am scared I want to cry, my chest hurts and I feel sticky. The drowning feeling is putting pressure on my head, making me feel like I am going to pass out, I can't fight the feeling any more and pass out into the darkness.

****Don't hate me for the cliffy!! I just, I just, I ... I got no reason to do it to such faithful readers but I do it!! hahaha Let me know what you think and don't forget to VOTE and COMMENT!!****

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