Dear future me,
You might not listen to me now, or probably ever. Which is why first things first, you need to work on your stubbornness. Nothing will work out if you're stubborn and fail to see the way you destroy yourself and the people around you. You need to learn to see that thoughts perish, only if you want them too and only if you wish real hard.
'I do believe in fairies, I do, I do'
Magical beings might not be alive doesn't mean magic does not happen all around you. Just like happy things are happening all around you. You just need to have the eye for both just like you have an eye for destruction and unhappiness. The nights that you have and might spend crying yourself to sleep including the nights you had to sob violently in a quiet manner because you sleep in the same room as your family, remember its okay. Whatever it is, it'll be okay. And if you want someone to do something about your sadness you have to reach out to them. They won't read your mind and no one knows you well enough to bother.
Everyone has hard days but on those days remember all the things you can make in your tiny households and rejoice.
Most of all... Learn to be kind and real with yourself. Because you make it through, every single time.Love,
The past me
My Boring Escapades.
Poetry"Breaking free from the thoughts of others." Not alot makes sense in this book. Its not supposed too. They most definitely might be terrible, its just my way of keeping track of things I write no matter how terrible. These are unedited, theyre only...