Dont you get it? I leave things incomplete.
Theres a number of things that come to my mind, just off the top of my head:
1- my story writing
2- my relationships
3- my DIY projects
4- my sentences
5- my train of thought
6- and most frequently; myself
See thats MY talent, its what comes naturally to me. I can sugar coat it and romanticise it in ways that will make it seem like a gift but its not. It leaves space for me to become no one in particular and if theres something I know its that I definitely want to be SOMEONE, anyone. Atleast to the people closest to me. The strangers dont matter. But for once it'd be great if I could stop second guessing.
Second guessing has abandoned my streets and taken shelter in the core of my very being.
Where are the beings who bring certainty along with them? Who will bury my second guessing in the depths of the dirt so far down I will forget such a thing existed as a part of me?
My Boring Escapades.
Poetry"Breaking free from the thoughts of others." Not alot makes sense in this book. Its not supposed too. They most definitely might be terrible, its just my way of keeping track of things I write no matter how terrible. These are unedited, theyre only...