It Ain't Always Been This Lovely

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"We go to my house," Riley says.

Maya smirks, "Shouldn't I take you out to dinner first?"

The brunette rolls her eyes, "I thought we were having a heart-to-heart conversation. How can you change moods so quickly?"

"Hey, I see a beautiful brown-eyed girl such as yourself, and I just can't help it," Maya says, winking.

Riley bites her lip, looking at the blonde before her. She knew the stories about Maya. Riley knows how people say Maya is a total player, and right now, she can see how so many people get wrapped around her fingers. Maya loved to make people flustered. Taking a deep breath, Riley crosses her arms.

"Can you stop flirting for, like, five minutes and actually talk to me?" Riley says, glaring at the girl.

She laughs, "What? I'm just having a little fun, Riles!"

Riley sighs, "You're impossible!"

"You like it!" Maya says.

The brunette shoots back, "I barely know you!"

Maya laughs, adjusting her leather finger-less gloves, "Well, how about we get to know each other, Sunshine?"

The brunette sighs, giving Maya a nod, "My place, then?"

The blonde shrugs, "Sure, Matthews. Lead the way."

The two girls walk down the street, Riley leading Maya away from the school. The blonde hums, twirling her keys. Riley feels Maya's calm gaze on her, making her feel nervous.The brunette shifts around awkwardly, stopping at the subway station.

"We have to go on the subway. Do you have a pass?" Riley asks.

Maya gives Riley a thumbs up, and the two walk down into the station. The concrete tunnel is filled with busy adults in suits and kids their age running around.

"Maya!" a man with a drum greets, his smile missing a few teeth.

The blonde smiles, "Weasel! Still playing the drums I see."

Weasel laughs, "You bet! Who's the chick?"

"This," Maya grabs Riley's shoulders. "-is my friend, Riley Matthews."

Riley waves, and Weasel chuckles, "You take good care of her, Maya."

Maya tips an imaginary hat, "Of course, Weasel."

The two friends say goodbye to the man, and they walk towards the actual stop. Almost as soon as they stop to wait, the subway comes. Maya smirks as other people walk past the two girls.

"After you, m'lady," Maya says, ushering Riley with her hands.

Riley smiles at Maya, and she steps onto the subway. Maya follows soon after. The rebellious blonde sits on the bench, but Riley decides to stay standing. She tells Maya that it helps her think. The subway screeches for a second before heading towards its destination.

"So, where do you live, Matthews?" Maya asks.

Riley hums, "Greenwich Village. I live in an apartment building with my parents and little brother, Auggie. You?"

"Same. I live in an apartment with my mom."

"Any siblings?" Riley asks.

Maya scoffs, "None that I care to know about."

The brunette nods, feeling the bitterness in the girl's statement. She hums, looking around. Maya taps her leg in a rhythm she has in her head, staring absently around. The subway suddenly jolts forward, causing Riley to stumble and fall.

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