Knowing Which Song I Should Sing To Make You Smile Again

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Riley sleeps peacefully in her bed, sunlight slowly creeping into the room. A ding breaks the calming quiet and causes Riley to stir. Slowly, she opens her eyes. The girl stretches her arms above her head, letting out a content sigh. Turning to her nightstand, the brunette grabs her phone, the culprit of the noise.

Hey, you free today?

Riley smiles slightly at the text from Maya. She texts Maya back that she is and turns off the phone. She puts the device in her sweatpants's pocket before getting off the comfortable bed. She walks out of her room and goes to the kitchen. Her phone dings again, and Riley pulls it out of her pocket.

Okay, so how about I pick you up at your house and take you on an adventure? :P

The brunette hums before texting her an answer.

Ooo... I love adventures! Where are we going? :O

She puts the phone back into her pocket and opens up a cabinet. Riley grabs the box of pancake mix she has hidden in the back. Placing the box onto the counter, she opens up another cabinet to find the chocolate chips. Smiling, the brunette puts the chocolate chip bag next to the pancake mix.

Her phone dings again.

Well... If I told you it wouldn't be an adventure. Trust me ;)

She rolls her eyes before texting back.

Dang, I really want to know, but I do love a good surprise :/

Turning to the fridge, Riley takes out the milk and puts it on the counter. She grabs a big bowl from another cabinet and places it with the rest of her ingredients. She claps her hands together, nodding with approval before taking out a measuring cup. Measuring the pancake mix and the milk, she pours each into the bowl. She takes out a whisk and begins mixing them together.

Well, I'm full of surprises ;P

Riley pushes the bowl aside so the batter sets before she adds the chocolate chips. She smiles as she continues to text Maya.

I don't know... You seem pretty boring >:P

Haha, very funny. You are anything but boring, though, so adventure it is! ;P

The brunette shakes her head and responds.

It better be a good one, Ms. Hart.

Oh trust me it is >:)

I don't like that mischievous look you just texted me. Something's up |:/

Guess you'll just have to wait and see ;)

The brunette puts her phone away and grabs the pancake batter. She starts pouring in the chocolate morsels and pops a few into her mouth, humming with delight at the taste. She mixes them in the batter before pushing it to the side again.

She turns on her stove and places a pan onto it. She pours the batter into the pan, the delicious smell of pancakes making Riley's mouth water. Turning some music on, the brunette starts to dance, singing along.

She flips the pancakes, still dancing. Warm arms wrap around her waist, causing the brunette to jump and turn around, spatula ready to attack the person hugging her. She rolls her eyes and smiles, seeing a smiling blonde looking back at her.

Maya smirks, "Told you I am full of surprises."

"You scared me," Riley says, poking Maya accusingly.

The blonde grabs her wrist lightly, a devilish glint in her eyes that makes Riley's heart race a little. She smiles, lifting her arm. The brunette giggles as Maya twirls her, the music still playing in the background. She smiles at the blonde before turning back to the pancakes, taking them off the pan. She puts them on a plate and turns off the stove. Putting the pan and the bowl into the sink, she turns back to Maya.

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