It's Laughing After Fights

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Riley hums, thankful for the weekend. After the day she had with Maya yesterday, the girl needed time to process everything. Things seem to always become complicated whenever the girl spends time with Maya. The brunette sighs, thinking about the blonde rebel once again. 

Maya is one of the most confusing people Riley has met. She acts like a rebel and player. The blonde doesn't care about rules or school, and she definitely doesn't care about anyone else's needs besides her own. Maya is terrifying. She has beaten so many kids that some of the freshmen actually run when they see her. She tries to protect her heart from the world, creating a mask to make others stay away.

The brunette has been lucky enough to see Maya's mask fall, though. She has seen the blonde smile at a sunset. Riley has seen Maya study for countless hours at home to make sure that she doesn't end up like her mom and drop out of school. The girl knows that Maya works at Topanga's to help her grandmother. Riley has seen Maya laugh, and she has seen the girl cry.

The girl bites her lip, remembering yesterday. The way her heart had been racing when Maya looked at her, how Maya kissing that girl made a pang of sadness settle in her chest, and watching Maya fuss over her well-being. The brunette smiles a little, remembering Maya's stunned expression when Riley flirted with her.

Riley glances at her phone. She sighs, giving in to the temptation of texting the object of her thoughts. The brunette unlocks her phone and clicks on the contacts. She finds the blonde's contact and clicks on it. She looks at the contact picture, smiling.

It was the day after Riley had found Maya crying in her room. She had taken Maya to her apartment and let the blonde sleep over. The brunette had woken up first in the morning, feeling arms looped around her, and when she turned to look over at Maya, she almost aw'd at how cute she was. Riley just had to take a picture.

In the picture, Maya is wearing one of Riley's old t-shirts and her head is laying on Riley's stomach. Her arms are wrapped tightly around the brunette. The blonde's usually fierce expression is replaced by a small smile that very few ever get to see on the girl. 

The brunette looks at the photo with a soft smile before texting Maya. 

Hey, I'm bored, and it's a Saturday. Do you want to hang? 

Almost immediately, Riley gets a reply.

Can't. Friends have dragged me out. I wish I could :(

I wish you could, too. I miss your little comments

Ah, so maybe the princess is beginning to grow fond of me? Are you realizing I am your knight in shining armor? ;)

Riley rolls her eyes, a smile forming on her lips. Maya always seemed to have a way of sneaking in a flirty comment every time they speak. Honestly, Riley is actually fond of the girl's excessive flirting. It's a part of Maya. Still, she can't let Maya know that.

As if. This princess wants to hang out with the jester (that's you) :P

Ouch, but I'm glad that I make you happy because you have a beautiful smile, m'lady :)

The brunette's cheeks turn pink. Riley bites her lip, trying to think of a response. Her phone buzzes again. The brunette looks down at the screen.

Sandy wants me to play a video game with her. I gtg :( I'll see you later, princess

Riley feels a pang of jealousy at the mention of Sandy. That girl was the one who kissed Maya yesterday. The brunette takes a deep breath. She shouldn't be jealous. Maya flirts with every girl. It's just who she is. Riley texts a quick goodbye before shutting her phone off.

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