A Smile and I Melt Away

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Riley looks at Maya, a small grin on her face. The blonde looks up from her desk, raising an eyebrow at Riley before smirking. The brunette just giggles and turns back to Cory. Out of the corner of her eye, the brunette sees Maya's smirk fall away and being replaced with a thoughtful expression.

This was the side of Maya that few people saw. The intelligent, gifted side of Maya. The one that cares for everything. Riley sighs, she wanted to get to know Maya. She wanted to see the true Maya, not the one that she makes everyone believe she is, and when Riley Matthews has a goal, it always is completed. No matter how long it takes.


Lunch Time


Riley grabs her tray, thanking Geralyn, the lunch lady, before spotting Maya surrounded by kids with leather jackets and brightly colored hair. The brunette takes a deep breath before heading over to the table. She hears their loud laughter as she nears.

Maya laughs, her face becoming red, "-Oh my... Brandon, dude, how did you pull that off?"

Brandon shrugs, a smirk on his face, "The gym teacher made me mad, saying that I couldn't wear a leather jacket during PE. So, I grabbed the eagle mascot and hung it up on the flag pole."

The blonde's forehead crinkles with laughter, a smile on her face. Riley takes a deep breath before clearing her throat and tapping Maya on the shoulder. All of the kids' eyes land on her as their laughter dies into silence. The brunette feels a blush forming, but she stays in place. Maya slowly turns around, her bright blue eyes calculating and cool.

"Yes?" Maya asks, her voice cool and crisp.

Riley bites her lip, "Can I talk to you?"

Maya smirks, giving Riley a wink, "Aren't we right now, honey?"

The brunette looks at the ground, a little flustered, "I meant alone. Not with... your friends here."

The blonde's eyebrows furrow, thinking. She glances at her friends before turning back to Riley. The brunette internally sighs in relief, Maya's gaze being a little less cold. The blonde sighs and looks up at the girl.

"Fine. I'll be waiting in the parking lot after school, and if you aren't there by three, I'm leaving," Maya says, the tone of her voice still emotionless.

Riley smiles, her heart soaring, "Yes! I'll see you then, Maya!"

"Whatever," Maya says, turning back to her friends.

Riley runs off, holding her tray tightly. Maya's friends start talking again, but Maya stays silent. She thinks about Riley, wondering what she wanted. If truth be told, Maya was intrigued by the brunette coming over to speak to her.

"Maya, you okay?" one of the girls with a bright blue streak in her hair asks.

Maya snaps out of her thoughts, smirking at the girl, "I'm fine."

The girl looks at the table, a smile on her face. Maya sighs, her eyes trailing over to Riley's table. Who was this girl, and what did she want from the blonde?


After School

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