So Long & Goodnight

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As I waited for the train I couldn't help but notice all the weird ass people in this weird ass town. There was literally a woman wearing a business suit running around and saying she was a beautiful squirrel. But seeing as that was perfectly normal in the town I lived in, I was fairly used to it. We all were. Everyone who wasn't bat shit crazy just let the people who were do their thing. That day at the train station however changed my life when one guy who I'd never seen before went and talked to me.
"What the...? what is she doing?" he asked and tapped my shoulder.
"I honestly have no idea. But that's how this town works, you don't question the crazy people too much."
"Right. I'm Gerard," he said.
"Y/N. I'm finally getting out of here though. I'm going to art school, you?"
"Same. I'm not from here, I'm from New Jersey."
"Well aren't you lucky? You didn't grow up living next door to Mr Purcill, the guy convinced he's Leonardo DiCaprio."
"That's actually a thing?"
"It's actually a thing Gerard. And it's a damn scary one at that."
"How did you live like this?"
"I daydreamed of the future. I always wanted to go to art school, meet some friends since I've got none, maybe write comic books, meet a guy, fall in love and live happily ever after so to speak and never return to this place again."
"Are we friends?" Gerard questioned, looking me deep in the eyes.
"Do you want us to be?"
"I really do."
The train pulled up and Gerard and I got on together. We were however the only people who actually got on the train. The crazy people were just hanging out at the station.
"So, what do you want to do with your life Gerard?"
"Comic book artist. I do love music though. It's always been a means of escape."
"I know how you feel. My parents always wanted me to be a counsellor for the people in the town but I said to them 'fuck that bullshit' and I chose art school."
"Definitely a good choice, otherwise we never would've met Y/N."
"Exactly Gerard, exactly."

A few years later once Gerard had dropped out for music and I had actually graduated, I realised only one part of my big plan hadn't been fulfilled: Meet a guy, fall in love and live happily ever after.
I had met a guy, Gerard. And I had fallen in love with a guy. That guy being Gerard.
But I hadn't said anything even hinting at the notion until one day. One day in 2004 when Gee's band had agreed to let me tour with them. Unfortunately around then Gee had become an alcoholic. For a while, Gerard drinking was just that. Gerard drinking. But over time I noticed he was becoming less and less of the Gerard Way I met at the train station a few years ago. He'd not only become an alcoholic, but also he'd become addicted to prescription drugs. But for the most part he was fine, until it all went downhill. The cocaine. The depression. I had to talk to my best friend.
"Gee, you okay? Talk to me," I said through his hotel door.
"Can I at least come in?"
"Gee, open the damn door."
"Gerard Arthur Way let me in now!"
"Fine," he muttered and clicked the door open.
"Gee, you need to stop this. You need to talk to me." I held him in my arms, wrapped them around his shoulders and ran my fingers through his black hair. "Gerard why are you doing this to yourself? Where's the Gee I met at the train station? Where's the Gee asking me about the squirrel woman whose name I believe is Carol? Talk to me Gerard." I rested my head on his shoulder. I'd lost almost all hope. After about fifteen minutes, he spoke. In just a faint, broken whisper. On the verge of tears.
"I want to die," were the words that finally left those cracked lips. 
"Why? Why Gerard?"
"Everything's gone to shit. I doubt you even tolerate me any more Y/N."
"Gerard, you're my best friend no matter what. I promise I'll stay with you for as long as you need me but I'll leave if you need me to. But right now, you need me. And I need you. I'm never leaving you and you better not leave me Gee. Don't kill yourself because I couldn't live with myself if you did. I just wouldn't be able to live. And even if I don't matter to you, which I clearly don't, what about those kids? What kind of a message is that? You're meant to be saving their lives, what'll they do without you Gerard? What will I do without you? When we met, I was on the edge, I was at my breaking point. But you know what? You kept me alive. You made life worth living for me and so many people Gerard. You can't throw your life away. I love you too much Gee." I looked him dead in his hazel eyes.
"You do matter to me Y/N. You've always mattered to me. I'll try to go sober-"
"You will go sober. You won't just try, you will Gerard. Do you understand?"
"Okay Y/N. I will. You know we're having this conversation in the doorway right?" Gerard laughed and at that moment, I knew he'd be okay.
"We should probably go inside."
"Yeah. Wait you love me?" Gerard turned to look at me once he closed the door behind us.
"Where'd you get that from Gee?"
"When you were talking just before," Gerard laughed a little and shook his head. He took my hands in his.
"I never said that."
"You sure Y/N?"
"I'm sure. Now go get some sleep Gee."
"Can you stay here tonight? I don't trust myself without you."
"Of course Gerard. Come on."
I tucked him into bed like I was his mother and said I'd be back in a few minutes. I was fine with caring for my best friend. He was my best friend, and admittedly the love of my life. Jesus fucking Christ Y/N, could you get more cheesy? Maybe.
I looked through Gerard's room and cleaned up a bit. I crawled next to Gerard under the covers. He was already asleep, and peaceful for the first time in ages. I ran my hands through his black hair rested my head on his chest.
"I lied Gee, I love you."

The next morning I woke up before him. His arm was around me and mine around him. That was what I always wanted, to be in love. But I knew it was one-sided. I always knew deep down that he just saw me as his best friend.
"Good morning Y/N," Gerard whispered.
"Morning Gee. You feeling any better?"
"A little. I'm so sorry Y/N. I'm sorry I was a dick-"
"Gerard, it's okay. I get it, I know you had to deal with me a lot in art school."
"I'm still sorry. I was selfish."
"Gerard let's just forget about it. Okay?"
"Okay Y/N. I have something to tell you."
Shit. We stood and walked to the living room.
"What is it Gee?"
"Remember the day we met?"
"Of course."
"Well, the reason I talked to you wasn't just because of the crazy squirrel lady. I talked to you because you're really pretty. I mean, you're beautiful Y/N. Really beautiful. And you're hilarious, sweet, you're smart, you have amazing taste, and you care about me. You saved my life Y/N. I heard you last night. I'm in love you Y/N."
And no matter how cliched it was, neither of us cared. Gerard pressed his lips to mine and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to his body. I wrapped mine around his neck and could not contain my happiness. I finally found my happily ever after. It may not have been an exact fairy tale, but fairy tales are boring anyway.

Even though not many people actually read my stories, if you do thank you. I really appreciate it even if I feel as if I'm up writing at 3am for no reason most of the time. If you have any requests just message me or comment. Do you guys want a part two to this? If so, let me know.

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