I Don't Love You Like I Loved You Yesterday

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I couldn't take it anymore. I scribbled a note on the first piece of paper I could find. I had packed everything I owned and had a plane ticket in my wallet. I had my passport and everything. I kissed a sleeping Gerard lightly on the forehead, knowing it would be the last time I'd ever see him. I walked out the door, let out a sigh and let a single tear roll down my cheek. But that would be the only one.

It had been three days since I'd woken up without her/him at my side. Three days of solitude, not leaving my room. I'd gotten countless calls from people, but not one from Y/N. I decided to get up, I saw Y/N had left a note.
I don't know how to say it but, I can't handle this anymore. You're always away on tour and recording. We don't spend much time together like we used to. I'm leaving. I don't know if I'll ever be back. Don't go looking for me. But Gee, the pills and the drinking need to stop. For your own sake please stop doing this to yourself. If not for you, for me.
I'm sorry Gee. But, I don't love you like I loved you yesterday.

I turned it over. She/he wrote it on the back of a photo. One where she/he was backstage at a show, pointing at me with a huge grin on her/his face. I smiled a little at the memory, but the smile was replaced by a wave of sadness. There was no real goodbye, just a note.

I tried calling her/his phone, no answer. I tried texting her/him, no response. I'd tried everything I could for three hours.
I had given up all hope of her/him ever returning.

As I sang the words to The End. I smiled and looked out into the audience. That night in Mexico was the last ever performance of The Black Parade.
As my eyes scanned the crowd, they landed on a face I hadn't seen for three years. A face I never thought I'd see again.
Y/N Y/L/N.
But, I kept singing. Only taking my eyes off her/him when I had to. Her/his closed lips smiled at me. She/he began to mouth something:
"So, you used my words as lyrics? I'm honoured."
I smiled and nodded at her/him subtly.
"Gee, check your phone later." she/he mouthed again and I smiled again. I'd missed seeing her/his face, although she/he looked different. She/he'd cut her/his hair into a side fringe on the right. She/He had started wearing eyeliner. But her/his smile and the glimmer in her/his eyes were still that of the girl/boy I used to wake up next to.

I noticed I had a text from Y/N, after three years, she/he finally texted me.
Y/N: Gee, meet me outside.
So I did.

She/he was leaning against a wall, looking at her/his hands. I ran over to her/him and held her/him in my arms.
"Y/N. Oh my god Y/N. I've missed you and now you're here and I've sobered up Y/N I'm so sorry-"
"Gee," she/he pulled away from my embrace. "Gerard I'm sorry."
"It's okay I forgive you for leaving."
"No, that's not why I'm sorry. I'm sorry that things changed between us. They'll never go back to the way they were Gerard. I just wanted to give you closure."
"What?" I was confused. "I thought this meant we were back together."
"Well, I'm sorry I lead you on like that. Gerard, I can't commit right now. I don't think I ever will. Besides, you're a superstar now. You don't need a girl/boy like me dragging you down. I promise you'll find someone who will love you. Gerard, I love you, I really do and that hasn't changed. I just don't love you like I used to. I still can't believe you took those words from that note and turned them into some of the most iconic lyrics ever," she/he laughed lightly. "They sound better coming from you Gee."
"Y/N, we can make this work. I'll do anything for you just please take me back!"
"Gerard I can't. Okay. I'm sorry I just can't right now, or ever. Alright, understand?"
"No. I don't. We're meant to be together Y/N, something is just telling me that we need to be together."
"That 'something' is wrong. I'm sorry to kick your heart in the ass, but I've moved on and you should too. You can't wallow around, waiting for a girl/boy who left you years ago. Move on Gerard."
And with that, she/he walked out of my life.

As my eyes scanned through my Twitter feed, not really paying much attention to anything, I saw one of the trending topics was #Y/NHowell. I frowned a little and wondered what that even meant. Surely, surely it couldn't be her/him. But of course, and a bit to my dismay, it was. As it turned out, Y/N had moved on. She/he had been dating Dan Howell for a few years and they had gotten married in London a few hours before. I saw pictures of them together and despite the fact I was hurt that it wasn't me with her/him, I was happy for them. They were so adorable and always smiling. They even had accidentally matching haircuts. The way she/he looked at him wasn't like she/he once looked at me. What I saw in her/his eyes was true, uncontrollable, unconditional, irrevocable love for him. And he looked at her/him the same way. I smiled as tears threatened to spill down my cheeks, but I held them all back. She/he wasn't mine, she/he was his. But it was okay, she/he got the love she needed.

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