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Your whole life you wonder what you'll ever mean to someone in this world. If you'll ever be important to a particular person. If you'll love someone despite the risks and red flags raising all around you. I Taylor Styles, have found my place in life. I have found all that I have been searching for since I was a small girl, but right now it's out of my reach. There's a certain beauty about the unknown. It's having false hope, because having false hope is better than having none at all. It's about knowing who means the most to you and never letting go. I believe that you are tempted to live a life of lies because you have this overwhelming fear running throughout the course of your body. I know this. I know this because I too have things I am terrified to believe and that's why I like to tell myself that everything is okay, when really it's no where near that.

He lays there in his hospital bed. Attached to different wires. Heart beating, thankfully. His burning green eyes are covered by his sleeping eyelids. I'm exhausted, he is too. I wonder what it feels like to be told that you can't prevent something so tragic as death? I know what it feels like to be told that about the man you love, the man who is supposed to be my forever. I wonder what it feels like to see the ticking of the clock and be reminded every second that your time is running out. My hand is clutched in his. I sit here in the stiff chair and stare at my husband, the two rings on my left hand will someday be all I have left of him. I don't want to face that day, but it's getting dangerously close. The monitor produces stable beeps telling me his heart has not yet given up on beating. I don't know if I could live without hearing his heart beat. It's provided a strength for me that I require daily.


Hey swifties! ,

This is a tiny little like prologue thing. Is that what you call them? I don't know. Basically, what happens with this is, if enough people want to read it, I'll continue.

I hope you like this as much as my previous book! I started this when 'Hold on, Don't you let go.' had about twenty something chapters, so I've been at it for a while.

Please comment your opinion on this book, I know it's hard to create one with only two chapters, but remember there's also a few teasers in my other book, 'Hold on, Don't You Let Go.'

If you're knew to my books, then hello and a very warm welcome from me!!! I hope you stick around!

Good day,

Love you all!


Two Shades Of Green. (Tayvin/Talvin)Where stories live. Discover now