- c h a p t e r 7 -

89 4 1

(Not as good a chapter, nothing happens much. But enjoy xx) 


I haven't given up on love. I've just stopped searching for it continuously. It's only tiring if you don't find what you're looking for. I was in a long-term relationship but towards the end it was becoming self destructive and it wasn't helping either of us. We managed to find common ground and parted for the better. That was about three years ago now. I finished my post graduate course at university and focused on paying the bills and putting food on my table. I did a course in psychology during university but so far have found no use for it. I gave up on that dream and decided to go with accounting instead. However on the weekends my accounting job does not require me, so that's why I'm driving aimlessly around Los Angeles on a beautiful spring day doing absolutely nothing but searching my mind for a place to eat lunch. Typical Adam doesn't haven't anything in his fridge because he is not capable of going grocery shopping by himself. There's me talking about myself in third person. I'm funny. Not really.

I slam on the breaks when I see a small girl walk out on the road in-front of me. A range of words come out of mouth as I breath in and close my eyes feeling thankful that I didn't run her over. Thank you. I jump out of the car and run over to her, frozen. I put my hands on her shoulders and look into her eyes. She's crying. My eyes run around in circles not knowing what to say before I actually speak; "Are you okay, did you get hurt?" I look on her arms and legs, no bruises, no blood. She remains standing there speechless as she looks desperately at me, as if I am the answer to her problem. "Where are your parents, you shouldn't be walking around Los Angeles without a parent, it's dangerous." She swallows, her voice tumbles out in a vulnerable tone; "I..I don't know.." My eyebrows cross trying to figure out this little girl, who might be about nine or ten. I guide her off the road an onto the pathway. "Do you know your mom's number? I'll call her." She shakes her head blinking the tears away and starts to breathe in irregular intervals, hyperventilating. I pull her into my arms and hold her tight. "It's okay, focus your breathing, in and out." I look around me trying to search for a answer as to what I should do.

"You can't call my mom, she won't answer, she's at work..."

She gets out while I pull my phone out and press the keypad. "What's your dad's number then, here call him.."

I gave her my phone. She looks at me with tears in her eyes as she takes the phone. Looking like she doesn't know what to do with it. Looking lost. She stares at the keypad her fingers hovering over the numbers but not pressing any. I tilt my head to the side and crossed my eyebrows observing her. She swallows and looks up at me tears rolling down her cheek. "Even if I did know his number..he wouldn't answer...my mom has been trying to call him for five years and he hasn't picked up....he's...gone.." The way she says 'gone' circles in my mind before I finally understand what she's trying to say. I instantly feel sorry for this girl when I realise what she's had to endure. No child should have to loose their father. No child should loose anybody. "I didn't know, I'm sorry." She shakes her head and dries her tears, also giving the phone back to me. "It was a long time ago...I'm Katrina by the way." She pulls out her hand for me to shake, which I gladly do. "I'm Adam. That's a nice name Katrina, do you have any siblings?"

She nods walking away, I follow her and walk by her side, not forgetting to lock the car. "Yeah, a brother..Caleb...he's eight." she says kicking a rock with her foot. "He looks a lot like my dad...my brother and I have the same eyes as him." I concentrate on her eyes they are a burning green colour, beautiful. Katrina has curly blonde hair that is pulled up in a pony tail, her smile is contagious and her laugh is pretty. However underneath her smile is something that she tries to hide from me. Hurt. Pain. Grief. "I always walk up here to see his soccer game or football as my dad liked to call it, he was British..my mom doesn't know I do this, she thinks I stay in my room all day." She says to me as we walk up this steep hill, at the top it reveals a soccer pitch with a team of red and a team of blue. Katrina pulls me by the arm over to a shadier part of the hilltop. She plops down on the grass and so do I. "There he is, that mop of brown curls bouncing on top of his little head, I reckon he's the best player on the team." I strike a look at Katrina she laughs with me. "Don't you think that's a little biased?" I question with one eyebrow arched.

"No, not if it's true." She says with a smirk causing me to crack up. I gather that her father must have green eyes and brown hair as she said that her brother and father look alike. I picture that small boy only years older. I picture a woman that resembles Katrina again years older. That must be what they look like. I see Caleb steal the ball off the opposite team and head towards the goal, his face his concentrated as he boots it straight past the goalie and scores. I feel triumph in me and yet I don't even know these kids. Katrina jumps up screaming proudly for her brother but he doesn't hear her as he goes and celebrates the victory with his team mates in a big huddle. "Told you he's the best player on the team." She blurts out while sitting down. "So what do they do now?" I ask her, she shrugs her shoulders but she has the vibe that she knows more than she's giving off. "We have to get home before he does, otherwise my granddad is going to tell my mom...let's get moving." She says bursting up off the ground and running down the hill, I have to admit my stamina is not as high as it used to be.

She continues to walk down the pathway away from my car. I shout for her; "You're not walking are you, we'll get there quicker if I drive you." She hesitates and stands there with a worried look on her face before she runs over to my car and gets in. "I swear, my mom will kill me if she found out I took a ride with a stranger." She says, her voice stable, I start the car and laugh slightly. "Just let me explain, I'm sure she'll understand..now where from here?"

"Straight up and take a left then right...number three."

I nod and follow her directions and in no time at all we arrive at her house. It's this huge two story building that had roses and frangipanis in the front garden. She jumps out and waves for me to come in as she slots the key into the front door. I ran to catch up to her. "Welcome to my house..." I stand in awe of how amazing everything is. There are pictures on the wall of Caleb with awards, some of Katrina in her dancing. As you walk through the hallway the kitchen is first on your left, then the living room and the view outside which has a pool and netball courts. As I entered the living room, above the couch on the wall hung a picture of her family. I hear her footsteps coming closer to me. She points to a man with curly brown hair and green eyes, who has his arm around a lady's waist, who has blonde hair and blue eyes. "That's my dad. He passed away about five years ago, this was taken about a year before." The blonde haired lady was carrying a small child on her hip and the man was holding a young child. "That's my brother, much younger aye?" I nod, the boy I saw on the soccer field is much older than the one in this photo however they still look the same. "You look like a perfect family."

I say to her across the room, she moves rather quickly, too quickly for my liking. Her head looks up from the ground and smiles at me. "We were."



I kind of just disappeared from the universe for almost three weeks. Sorry about the delay, I had exams and...is it possible to have jet lag from exams? 

Anyway, I was really tired after exams but I'm back in the game now!

Sorry again!

Have a nice day lovelies!!!  

Two Shades Of Green. (Tayvin/Talvin)Where stories live. Discover now