Chapter 6: Hello,France!

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This next chapter is were they go to France!

Amanda's POV
             Geez!Its really heavy carrying Monika and all.If only she didnt attempted to escape we wouldn't be rushing things!Uugh!Why can't I wake her up?!
             Hey!Amanda,take it easy bro!Sorry,Steve!F*uck!Shes to heavy!!!!!
              Aagh!!!I screamed out loud.Why cant you just help us Steven?Oops,what did I say how dum am I!
              No,cause im youre boss and you should follow my orders understood! Yes,I replied f*uckingly!

Monikas POV
           When I wake up I heard someone talking ....It was Steven, talking to someone!"Yo Steven, weres our next mission?".Then he replied...Its at France.
             F*uck!,come on! France it cant be!!!While my heads on fire I heard someone knock at the car, it was Amanda handing me some clubhouse sandwhich and some water."Oh!Thanks , Amanda,Im starving!"Then she replied "Youre welcome,I know youre exhausted!"..." So, where are we going?"(I hope what i heard earlier was wrong '-')"Oh, were actually going to France!Sorry if its all of the sudden, I hope you dont f*uckingly freak out?!"...I was so mental blocked I only said "Oh!"

Back at home!!!

            My gosh!!! Were can they can she be! Madam, terror said! Its been two weeks!Well atleast she failed my class...Giggle!
At the airplane!!!

Shoow! The plane is travelling up and down in the air!I think I'll be air sick and also home sick....I wonder how my stash of candy is doing?Sigh!I guess they already ate it!.....
               Aaarggh!!!What the hell was that!!!!I thought planes should comfort people in luxury not ....(I screamed out those words at loud...Oops!).   
              As the planes land down, I see the beautiful country of France. Yes...Its my time to escape!!!

                We went to a hotel and I was sharing my room with Steven...Steven said that " Don't dare to go away!If you go run away and I find you..You're dead.

              As Steven went out and drove his cars with the others I pass through the hotel doors I was relieved and sighed!"Yes, step one, get out of the hotel is done!Next step two ,find a place to stay?"Well I'm not so sure were to go,I tried to ran in the city of love,Paris!

                F*ck! Can't find the US embassy!Or the Philippines' coz my grandparents live their!

                "Help,help a gang leader kidnapped me!" Uugh! If I only know to say help in French ... The only word French I know is "Haute Couture ".

             Thud!Aww!It looks like I bumped into someone!" Sorry I didn't  mean to bumped into you"Aww!Look at the way he's dressed!The way he's sweating and oh look at his bulging abs!

           Sorry!So I'm Joshua Viernes and again sorry  I didn't mean to bump you!If could be of any help don't be shy to ask!

               Well!Mr. Joshua abs,I mean Viernes I actually...

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