twenty-two: growing up

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twenty-two: growing up

Zayn drove back to the office absolutely fuming. He didn't understand Louis, he didn't get why the younger boy was so stubborn. He didn't get why Louis was so cautious around him, almost as if he was waiting for Zayn to find an excuse to leave. Sure, Zayn wasn't really in this for the long run. He didn't want to be a father, but what choice did he have? His father gave him a choice, and Zayn chose to step up... That didn't mean he had to be happy about it.

Sure, Zayn knew he was a dick. He didn't care though, not caring was a lot easier than actually giving a shit about things. The last time he'd actually given a shit about someone, that said person left him on his own with nothing but broken pieces of who he used to be.

So Zayn just didn't see the point in caring. Louis would eventually get over it and they could both go on with their lives.

But Zayn knew it wasn't that easy, there were two children involved. Zayn couldn't just brush them off like they were nothing, he was actually going to have to be a father to those kids... He knew he sounded selfish, that by not caring about them... He seemed like a dick.

Zayn just didn't know what to do or how to feel. Just a month ago, he was one of the hottest bachelors in all of Great Britian.... Now he's engaged to someone he's hated since he was twelve and in less than seven months he was going to be a father to two kids. He couldn't wrap his head around it, and it was driving the young man in insane.

He wasn't ready for any of this, but it didn't seem like anyone really cared.


"So, why'd you take my car? Worried the public might find out the real reason you're marrying Louis?" Liam says bitterly as his step brother walks into the building. The younger boy was standing in the front office, talking to the secretary about possibly switching floors with Niall again. Zayn ignored his step brother, going straight to his office but the younger boy was having none of that. He excused himself from his current conversation before running after Zayn, just barely getting into his office before the door shut behind him. Zayn took off his coat, tossing it onto the sofa before falling into his chair. He didn't even acknowledge the fact that Liam was in the room, the older man being too busy stressing out to even give a shit at that current moment in time.

"Liam, don't you have something better to do besides bothering me?" Zayn asks after a moment, finally able to think straight once more. He looks at his step brother with an annoyed expression, the older of the two just really wanting to be left alone right now.

"Why'd you take my car?"

"Because I didn't want to deal with paparazzi. I didn't want to put Louis in a situation that could put him or the babies at risk." Zayn says and he wasn't even lying. He may be a dick, but he wasn't going to let anyone harm Louis or their babies... even if that meant borrowing Liam's car instead of his own.

"Babies?" Liam asks, a confused expression on his face as he looks at Zayn. Zayn lets out a long sigh before nodding, reaching into his pocket for the sonogram that he'd gotten from Louis' doctor. Louis didn't know he had this, mainly due to the fact the younger boy had been too busy ignoring Zayn to notice the older had grabbed it from the doctor.

"Yeah, twins." Zayn says quietly, handing Liam the sonogram. Liam looked at it for a moment, completely speechless. He wasn't really sure what he was going to say, to be quite honest he felt like punching Zayn in the face again for some odd reason...

"Jesus... Poor Lou..." Liam finds himself saying, handing back the sonogram to Zayn. Zayn rolled his eyes at Liam, shaking his head a little as he places the sonogram back into his pocket. He would find a better place for it a different time.

"He's known since he found out he was pregnant, and he didn't f ucking tell me. So now, I have to tell my father that I have not one, but two new responsibilities on the way." Zayn says bitterly, but he really wasn't that angry... He was scared, he didn't know what to do... He also didn't know how to explain to others how he truly felt.

"Can't say I blame him. You've been a dick to him since day one. Have you even stopped to wonder what he's going through right now? He just found out that he's pregnant with two kids and the dad doesn't even want them. To top things off, he has to pretend like he's in love with you just so that you'll even take some form of responsibility. You're being a selfish little brat Zayn, and you're f ucking lucky that your dad even gave you a chance."

"It's not much of a chance."

"It's more than what I would've given you. Like I said, you're being selfish. This isn't just about you Zayn, it's about Louis and those kids. So why don't you grow the f uck up? Act like you actually care." Liam says, shaking his head when Zayn doesn't say anything else after that. He leaves Zayn alone at that point, walking out of Zayn's office and to his own. Zayn sighs once Liam left, grabbing his phone from his pocket.

To: Louis Sent: 1:07 PM

did you make it home alright?

Liam was wrong... Zayn cared. He just had a funny way of showing it.


Well then. Zayn POV that is kind of all over the place.

I cry

Dedication goes to punkrocksashton

my fave comment gets the dedicationnnnnn




Connie xx

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