forty-one: up in flames

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forty-one: up in flames

Louis wakes up with a pair of arms wrapped securely around his waist. The light seeping through the curtains was warm against his face and a small smile found its way onto his face. He turned around to be met with the sight of a sleeping Zayn, a sight he honestly never thought he'd get to see. Louis moves the lock of hair out of Zayn's face before he places a soft kiss onto the sleeping boys cheek. Zayn lets out a soft sigh before pulling Louis even closer to his chest.

"Morning." Zayn whispers, opening his eyes and looking at Louis.

"Morning." Louis whispers back, letting out a content sigh as he just laid against Zayn's chest. Louis liked it there, he wouldn't mind staying there for a little while longer. Unfortunately for Louis though, he didn't really get a choice in the matter. He had to go home, he had two toddlers waiting for him and it wasn't fair for him to make Harry take care of them. So with another sigh, Louis sits up in the bed, reaching down for the underwear he wore last night that sat on the floor. 

"What are you doing?" Zayn asks quietly, his voice still heavy with sleep. 

"I'm going home, the boys are probably up causing trouble and it isn't fair of me to make Harry handle them." Louis says back, standing up from the bed and walking across the room. He bent down to pick up his shirt which had been discarded by the bedroom door, along with his jeans which had somehow ended up on Zayn's dresser. Zayn didn't get out of bed as Louis got dressed and instead just watched him.

"Have him bring them here, we can spend the day together like a proper family." Zayn says as Louis pulls his shirt back over his head. 

"I don't think we're quite at that stage yet." Louis says, shaking his head a little as he looks at Zayn. Zayn quirks an eyebrow before getting out of the bed, a confused look on his face as he stares at Louis.

"Stage? I didn't realize we were doing this in stages." Zayn says, walking over to his dresser where Louis was standing. Louis moved out of Zayn's way, allowing the older to grab a fresh set of clothes while he thought about his reply to that. 

"I'm easing into this Zayn, I'm still not sure you've changed." Louis whispers, biting down on his bottom lip when Zayn lets out a scoff.

"Are you being serious right now?" Zayn asks, trying not to get angry with Louis. He knew it would only lead to them arguing and Zayn was so sick of arguing with Louis. He just wanted to be with Louis and his sons, he didn't get why Louis was so convinced that he was the same person he was two years ago. 

"Look, I just want to make sure okay? I don't want my sons to get attached only to have you go back to being the way you were. I don't want my sons in that environment." 

"They're our sons, Louis. They're not just yours." 

"Well as of right now they are." 

"Why won't you let me in? Why do you keep on pushing me away? I mean for god sake Louis, you just spent the night with me. You came to me, not the other way around. So why do you keep on acting like I'm the one who's going to leave? You're the one who left in the first place." Zayn can't hide the bitterness in his voice now. Louis knew that he'd hurt Zayn by leaving him, but yet Zayn was the one who couldn't be trusted. Zayn didn't understand why it was hard to believe that he'd changed. 

"Look, I had my reasons. Besides, this is a no strings attached thing we have going on here." 

"What if I want the strings though? What if I want us to be together, for real this time? What if I want a f ucking chance to be apart of my family? You are so hung up on the past Louis that you can't even imagine me actually giving a shit." Zayn shakes his head, glaring at Louis as the younger man just stands there biting his bottom lip. 

"I don't want us to be together, that's a disaster just waiting to happen." Louis finally says, shaking his head a little before taking a quick glance at the door. 

"Then what the f uck are we doing right now?" Zayn nearly yells, making Louis flinch a little at the harshness in his voice. Louis hadn't meant for things to be like this, he never thought he would be in this situation... 

"I don't know." 

"What do you know then?" Zayn actually yells this time, making Louis jump and look at Zayn with a somewhat shocked expression. He didn't actually think Zayn would start yelling.... 

"Why does it matter?" Louis' voice is barely over a whisper and the younger boy absolutely refuses to even look at Zayn. 

"Because I love you. I love you and I want to be with you. I want to be able to hold and kiss you whenever I want... I want to be able to raise our sons together. I want you to f ucking trust me when I say that I've changed. I want you, but I don't think you feel the same way." Zayn's voice cracks and Louis could feel tears starting to well up in his eyes again. 

He hated this.

He hated every single part of it. 


"Go ahead and leave, I can't make you stay. It's more than clear that this is all just one huge mistake." Zayn says, shaking his head before walking out of the room and into the bathroom. He didn't expect Louis to follow him, so when he heard the sound of a car starting outside he wasn't surprised.  

He just felt alone.


pooooooor zouis.

right when we think they're making progress...

Anyways, i think this story has about four more chapters..... but I'm making a sequel cause I f ucking can. 


Dedication is going to lorde4323

I can't think of a question to ask lol




Connie xx 

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