twenty-five: the other malik

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twenty-five: the other malik

Louis arrives home later that same night, walking through the front door with tears running down his cheeks. His mum was fast asleep, which Louis was thankful for. He didn't feel like explaining to her what was going on, as far as his mum knew... Louis was just pregnant. She didn't really pay attention to what was going on in the social media. Louis sighs, knowing full well that what he was doing was for the best. It wasn't just about him and it wasn't just about Zayn.... but why did Louis feel like such a jerk? Louis doesn't have time to think about it before there was a knock on his front door. Curiously Louis opens it, a frown on his face when he sees none other than Yaser Malik standing on his doorstep.

"Mr. Malik.... What are you doing here?" Louis asks, opening the door a little more so the older man could walk in. Yaser smiles softly at Louis before walking into the Tomlinson house. Louis stood there completely dumbfounded, he didn't understand what Zayn's father was doing at his house. 

"I came to see you and apologize for my son. I heard you in my home earlier this evening and I would like to say that I'm sorry my son is... well that my son is a dick. I can honestly say I did not raise him to be the way he is and he used to be one of the sweetest kid I knew.... but when his mother left, she took part of him with her. I do not blame you for wanting nothing to do with my son, it was my idea for the two of you to get married but that was clearly unfair of me to expect you to want that." Yaser trails off and Louis sees some of Zayn in his father... The way he'd apologize when he was waiting to offer something, something that Louis was more than likely going to refuse. That set Louis a little on edge, he'd just barely dealt with one Malik... and here was about to deal with the other one.

"Okay... but that's not the real reason you're here..." Louis says slowly, silently wondering if his kids were going to have the same trait. He hated it when people beat around the bush, he preferred it when people just out right said what they wanted. Louis didn't get why it was such a habit with the Malik's...

"You're right... You see Louis, the public already thinks you're to be married to my son... to which will pose a problem when they find out that it was all just for show. I do not expect you to marry my son, nor do I expect you to give my son another chance... So I want to help you disappear, make it so it just seems like the two of you decided to just break up versus coming clean about it being fake. If the public knows that the two of you were getting married just because you were pregnant... I personally don't want to see my grandchildren as a publicity stunt, and if the public finds out then that's how they will be seen... I know this is once again unfair of me to ask you, but I don't see another choice... I have a home in Yorkshire, no one but my immediate family knows about it... I would like to help you relocate to that said location. You can take your mother with you and you can stay as long as you like. Zayn will not know where you are unless you choose to tell him." Yaser says and Louis isn't quite sure what to say. He understood why Yaser was asking this of him, but at the same time... It seemed like the cowardly thing to do... Run and hide...

"Mr. Malik, I..." Louis stumbles over what to say, unable to really think it through. The idea was something Louis normally wouldn't consider, he didn't want to be a coward... but if it was what was best for his kids... He would do it in a heartbeat.

"You don't have to make your decision right now, but I would like to hear back from you within the next week or two...  I personally feel like this is what's best for my grandchildren, Louis... but it is your choice." Yaser says, smiling softly at Louis as the young boy tries to think of the right thing to say.

"Thank you Mr. Malik..." Louis finally gets out, earning a quiet chuckle from Yaser.

"You can call me Yaser, Louis. Now I must be going, my family doesn't know where I am right now." Yaser says, shaking Louis' hand as he walks towards the front door. Louis watches him leave, biting down on his bottom lip as he turns back around. He runs a hand through his hair, before walking to his bedroom. He didn't sleep much that night, what Yaser said running through his mind the entire night...

When he finally gets out of bed, his mum is sitting at the breakfast table with a cup of coffee in her hands. She offers him a warm smile, but he could tell that she was exhausted. Louis sat down across from her, enjoying the few minutes he had with his mum...

Yaser's offer was still fresh in his mind...

And Louis already knew what his answer was going to be.


Three updates within twenty four hours.... Wow.

Something's obviously wrong...

*starts the next chapter* oops, I did it again

Dedication goes to @KillJoyZouis

My fave comment gets the dedicationnnnn




Connie xx

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