Chapter IV Head Wounded

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Chapter 4 Head Wounded


Jason had to lay still while holding an ice pack to the back of his head. The walls were painted a pea soup green, a calming color. Jason read that gray was another calming color, not that it mattered any. At least his head stopped hurting. An ancient nurse helped settle him in, wordlessly. All he had to do was rest up, without going to sleep, just in case.

Jason never got the nurse's name. The woman hardly spoke in all the years he'd spent at this school. He hardly had many visits to the nurse's station either. She was a simple brunette woman, with plain features. The only thing that stood out about her was her light brown eyes. Jason assumed she might have been a knockout once upon a time. He supposed she still was in her own way.

He felt like he was sitting in a dentist chair with nothing to look at but the ceiling. It was a windowless room and it was dead silent. He let his eyes wander in boredom as the digital clock above him ticked on. He was missing his lunch period. He silently hoped his lunch wouldn't be green gelatin. What would be the point in that? He wasn't that hurt, he was just frustrated.

The entire time he had to fight tears, to not let his weakness show. It could have been revenge but was it really necessary? What if it was an accident? A simple misunderstanding? Now that Jason had the time to lay down quietly, let the anger slowly ebb away, he could think again. For all he knew, the guy had to be new and most likely wasn't having that much of a better day than he was.

This whole thing could have been one giant misunderstanding for all Jason knew.

What didn't help was having his very own best friend kiss him. It was like kissing his own brother! So when Jason asked for mouthwash the ancient nurse simply raised a brow at him and left the room, probably thinking Jason was brain damaged now. She came back though, with a tiny paper cup with a light green solution, and it was awful. The nurse stayed in the room arms folded until Jason spit out, which didn't take long. That shit was strong!

Jason still had to fight hard to push that image out from his head all over again. It was not at all enjoyable despite Nicklaus's good looks. He took Caitlin's words seriously, when she told him to do something, like the perfect boyfriend he was, he would do it. Even if that meant kissing Jason fully on the mouth.

Thankfully there was no tongue. That would have been overboard, crossing far over the line and then some. Jason should have taken Nicklaus's words from earlier more seriously. He should have seen it coming when the words replayed in his head.

"If anyone screws with you, I'll pretend to be your boyfriend if I have to. Caitlin said she would kill me if I don't!"

Why couldn't Jason have someone as loyal as Nicklaus?

There was no sense in letting himself fall into his own pity party now. Loud noises, including an array of shouting took place outside the room. Jason had to lift his head a little to listen in, but the door was closed making the noises on the other side sound muffled.

A frazzled looking nurse opened the door bobbing her head at whatever, whoever it was, talking to her kept rambling on and on. Caitlin. What was she doing here? The second nurse, unlike the ancient one was in her mid-forties had curly blonde hair and a thick neck. She was much more direct with words. She at first looked ready to apologize, but she wasn't that kind of person. Jason had to guess because it was due to all the things she'd seen come and go in this room.

"You're going to have to get up. We've got another patient that needs the chair more than you."

Jason obliged and moved over to a plastic green chair. He would use the wall to hold the ice pack in place.

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