Chapter VI Confusing Emotions

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Chapter 6 Confusing Emotions


The lump on Jason's head felt smaller when he woke up the next day. He had a dreamless, yet restful night, and he was up earlier than normal. He had time to watch the weather channel, believe it not, another sunny, breezy day. Typical weather for San Francisco! He didn't wake early enough to catch his mom going to work. They operated on different schedules now. Sometimes they didn't see each other for days at a time, but there was a new sticky note on the front door.

The best dreams happen when you're awake- Cherie Gilderbloom

The quote somewhat clashed with a quote Jason held near and dearest to his heart, "People only see what they are prepared to see"--- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Catching Brett in his threeway was something Jason was prepared to see. It just took him until this very morning to understand that.

Jason didn't start thinking about Trent until he got back on his bike. His heart was racing when he thought back about yesterday. He wasn't entirely sure why he'd suddenly let his hope's get up that high. It was nothing, so he kept trying to tell himself most of yesterday and last night. Shakti Gawain's words from yesterday haunted him. There was no way Jason was going to risk it.

Trent's face, haunted his mind when he didn't keep himself busy. It had a way of creeping back inside his head, but then images of his so called ex-lover came back into his mind. It had started out nicely from what he remembered, desirable. He couldn't have imagined a life without someone like that in it.

Now he was gone, and Jason was alone. Well, not quite alone. He still had his mom, even though she wasn't around every day. There was Nicklaus and Caitlin too. Jason couldn't complain. He shouldn't.

Jason was too deep in thought, trapped in his own mind, by the time he arrived at the school. He managed to crash into the flagpole, well almost. Trent was suddenly there, his hands were on the handlebars, just inches away from Jason's. He tried not to stare, when thoughts, memories of what those hands felt like.

"Can I talk to you for a moment?" His face was too guarded, and Jason squirmed under that glacial glance. "Maybe take a short walk?"

"Sure ok, let me take care of my bike." Jason was thankful for something to do to keep him busy.

Trent stayed where he was when Jason ran through his backpack for his bike lock. Once he found it, he tried not to fumble with it in his hands. He wanted to hurry this up, to get it over with. But then, he didn't want to make himself look too eager either.

Jason made his way back towards Trent. They walked slowly on the sidewalk by a chain linked fence. Trent kept his poker face on and kept staring ahead. That only strengthened Jason's worries. Maybe he expected Trent to come out as straight, that he wasn't interested. It wouldn't destroy Jason's hopes, but it would crush that short lived hope. Less pain, let's get it over and done with now. He was busy preparing for the worst when Trent through an unexpected question at him.

"So how does it work?"

First, Jason felt clueless, then realization dawned, followed by a sudden anger. He needed to calm down and at least approach this differently first.

"How does what work?" Jason was also too busy trying not notice everything about Trent. Like what he was wearing. Low neck shirt, skinny black jeans, dark brown belt and a pair of white sneakers. Jason thought the sneakers were name brand, but since he wasn't a fashion expert, he had no idea by who. Just that they were mostly white and gold on the bottom.

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