Chapter V Royal Flush

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Chapter 5 Royal Flush


Though Trent's ego was the part him that felt more bruised than his face, he felt the rest of the day pass by in a blur. Of course, he had after school detention to serve. It hadn't dawned on him until he caught sight of Mr. Bateman's muted expression when he waited out front. Since he was the acting father, he was the one who got the call.

Nothing could be worse than Mr. Bateman's silence. Trent kept his head low and made no attempt to say anything. Mr. Bateman led the way to a white SUV and Trent got in the passenger seat trying not to feel like the worst person in the world. His after school detention was set for tomorrow. That was nothing compared the disappointment he felt coming from Mr. Bateman.

They pulled up into a driveway that might as well have been a two way street. It weaved through an endless yard decorated with different kinds of bushes, shrubbery and trees. Except that most of it had been abandoned for over a decade. That didn't mean Trent's (no wait, it was Caleb here) father hadn't hired an efficient landscaping company. Caleb was glad to at least have that to look at rather than Mr. Bateman.

The silence was near deafening.

After driving a quarter of a mile, a three story tall white mansion lay before them. They had to pass through a gate to admit them. A stern looking woman with salt and pepper hair stood by the gate offered a respectable nod their way. Caleb, ahem, Prince Caleb, nodded in acknowledgment right back.

A whole team of housekeepers, cooks and a various set of other people Caleb didn't know were standing on the steps. He was glad the announcers (Caleb and his little brother secretly called them blow horns) didn't follow him here.

Caleb found himself shaking his head, half in exasperation, the other in dread. "This is exactly what I'd been trying to avoid."

"He's your father and like it or not, this is your life." Mr. Bateman said in his stern tone.

Caleb was in deeper than he thought. He kept his comment to himself to avoid getting in any deeper trouble. Caleb had to wait until Mr. Bateman to get out of the car, then to open the door for him. Even though he plainly could have opened it himself. Caleb, as Trent, had to open doors for himself in school the whole day. And survived.

What he didn't fully understand, is when he held doors open for others, he was mostly met with cold silence.

"Welcome home Prince," a cheery, yet tall woman greeted him at his door. She wore a pair of three inch heels, black pencil skirt, a silver wrist watch on her left wrist, black hair brushed over to her left side, blue top and a ten inch device in her right arm. Caleb couldn't see what was on the screen. He never could.

"You don't have to bow here," Caleb said with a small hand wave gesture. His slight British accent could be heard here. If anything, Caleb appreciated the fact that he could shed from his disguise here. He could be himself and not carry on a foreign accent.

"I'm sorry! Should I...?"

Now Caleb felt bad for her. She looked like she had no idea how to fix her mistake. The fear in her blue eyes showed that she didn't want to get fired. What did Caleb's father tell her?

Caleb had to take her gently by shoulders and looked her dead in the eye to show how serious he was. He had to ignore the deer caught in the headlights expression which turned into something swoon worthy. "Look, just be yourself around me. You can do that and still do your job just fine." Then to the rest of the staff gathered on the stone steps he added, "That goes for everyone here."

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