Chapter X Royal Surprise

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Chapter 10 Royal Surprise


Jason found himself more than a tad shocked when he set his bike by the front door to take off his shoes. His mom had razor sharp eyesight when it came to Jason walking through the house with his shoes on. No matter how quietly he walked, or how carefully he tried to get by, she'd find the smallest speck of dirt, and the shrieking would commence. So walking in through the house with shoes on was not worth the trouble.

"Jason." Had she been crying?

"Mom? What are you doing home so early?" Jason hoped she didn't get fired. At least, as far as Jason knew, his mom rocked at her job. He'd never known anyone that could have two phone conversations at once, and still get him to school on time. She was the master at multitasking.

The kitchen was past the living room where Jason currently resided. He finished taking off his shoes first and quietly made his way over to his mother. Jason was also a bit taken back when he saw they had a guest as well. He made sure nod with a greeting to be polite.

The woman almost looked out of place in a room with 'a barely standing' kitchenette. Both Jason and his mother were still quite proud of the tiny apartment they owned. The oven, microwave, coffee maker, wooden chairs with a matching kitchen table were all outdated. At least the kitchen had character. Jason had spent many days happy with his mother here, and well cooked meals. Due to the hours she had to get through, those days were now numbered.

"Good evening," The woman had eyes that-

"Um, hello," Jason wasn't sure why he suddenly felt shy. Like he had to look away all of a sudden. The woman's eyes reminded him of someone else. That... particular person in question had also gone silent on the ride back. Jason knew he needed to give up trying to figure out what he'd done wrong this time. If he had done anything, because one moment Trent seemed just fine and comfortable in Jason's position, the next, he almost wasn't. Trent was impossible to figure out.

But was it too much to hope that Trent didn't want to Jason to go? Jason could only agree if that really was the case. As if Jason could be that lucky! Still, it was a nice thing to fantasize about if he could help it.

"You can call me Clara." The woman went on. Jason had to force himself to look in her eyes. Unlike Trent's hers had a lukewarm look. "Pleased to meet you Jason."

Jason almost forgot about his mother, that he had to look at her questionably. Jason's mother had brown hair but the roots were naturally black. She'd been spending time out in the sun judging by the tinge of brown skin on her face. They hardly looked alike, Jason and his mother, but they had a lot in common.

Jason was still trying to figure out why his mother had to wipe her face, something she did with her hands.

"Do you need me mom?" After all, he was the man of the house.

"Jason Saint Laurent," this, Clara said in an unrecognizable tone.

Jason was about to reply with a slightly annoyed, yes, but the woman continued. "You carry your father's name. Am I correct?"

She has a British sounding accent. "It is." There was a hint of something else there. Something Jason couldn't quite put his finger on.

"And neither you nor your mother changed your names." The way she pronounced the word 'neither' like the neighing of a horse. Strangely, this somehow kept Jason's interest.

"No we have not." Jason politely replied but then started to wander. He found himself studying the woman further. There was more to her than a British accent and perfect posture. There was something in the way she carried herself...

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