Chapter XII Confusion

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Chapter 12 Confusion


Jason was standing in front of his locker with his mouth hanging open, wondering once again, what he might have done wrong. It had been nine days since his last encounter with Trent. Nine whole days of Jason's fighting the urge to sulk.

"Stupid, stupid, stupid." He chanted mostly to himself while putting away textbooks he knew he wouldn't need yet. He really shouldn't have gotten his hopes so high up. He should have KNOWN better. Yes Caleb was bisexual, yes Jason felt he had a shot, but apparently it wasn't enough. For the first week, the rest of the first week, those were the hardest. Then it got easier but there were moments. Moments where avoiding Trent was impossible like P.E. when the entire class had to run track together.

Jason found himself calling himself other names every time he started to feel his mind wander towards hope. It was silly. It was irrational of him. Unrequited. Jason didn't unrequited. Unrequited made relationships toxic. He should have known better! But he couldn't stop himself from re-thinking of those last moments with Trent. This led Jason into thinking about every flaw in every conversation and thought Jason had while with Trent.

On the other hand, Jason never saw the woman who claimed to be The Queen of Sweden. Perhaps Jason could have looked her up, but every time Jason paused a finger over his phone or laptop, he couldn't do it. So what if he some crowned royalty. A lot of good that did him!

Come to think of it, how would have Trent taken it if-

No. No. No. No!

But would that have at least made Jason more desirable? Maybe he would find himself strong enough to reject Trent. If Trent so much as-

Hey! Stop that!

Jason was angry. He found himself wanting to hurt Trent, but then, it wasn't like Trent had intentionally led him on. Had he?

"Jason," Caitlin, the one person he'd been trying to look for all morning was right beside him, "we have to talk."

Jason already started to look at his locker and started to wonder if he'd fit inside.

"Now Jason." She said waspishly.

Jason, though red faced, complied. "What?"

"I don't trust him," She said with her arms crossed. "I think he's lying."

Jason looked from side to side to avoid having eavesdroppers nearby before getting closer to her face. "Lying about what?" Why did this have to be about that one person he'd been striving hard to avoid thinking about?

Caitlin yanked at her ponytail from behind and shrugged. Clearly something had her irritable today. "I heard him talk to Zoë, our other foreign exchange student."

Jason tried not to freeze but Caitlin carried on, though not oblivious to his behavior. "Please tell me you don't trust him. Something doesn't feel right about him."

For once, Jason felt like she needed to butt out but he kept his thoughts to himself. He wanted to demand some proof. He wanted to wake up and go back to day one, or better yet, three weeks ago when it was just Nicklaus, Caitlin and himself coming out of the movie theater. They were celebrating their final day of freedom before school started. For all they knew, it would be their last.

From what Jason learned recently, it could be true. But Jason still had questions. He should have asked instead of storming off like he did. That one time he had a chance. He skipped dinner that night, even though he found it wrapped in aluminum foil in the refrigerator, waiting for him. He started to ignore his mother's daily encouragement note of the day. He'd spent most of the morning feeling like his head was caught in a fog.

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